Page 68 of Perfect (#Hashtag 1)
“Where is Teague now?”
“I don’t know,” I say. “Have you tried calling him?”
“I did. I couldn’t get through.”
We’re still saying his when a nurse comes into the room and checks my temperature. “Where’s the guy who brought you here?” she asks. “The cops have some questions.”
“He should be here soon,” I say. “He’s my—” I’m not even finished saying this when I see Teague walking into the room with someone—it’s Ashley. It’s a little strange watching him with her but I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for that.
“You two?” the nurse says, angrily when she sees them. “I can’t believe you’d come here in your state!”
“What do you mean?” I ask the nurse. “What state?”
“These two,” the nurse says. “They were outside in the parking lot having drugs and making out.”
The sentence hits me but I’m too shocked to actually feel the full brunt of it. “They were outside in the parking lot having drugs and making out.” “Teague,” I say, hoping he’ll say something that will kill all my doubts. “What’s she talking about?”
“I’m so sorry, Teague.” Ashley says and steps out of the room.
Teague is left looking at me but he’s not really looking me in the eye. “Teague? Is this true? You made out with her?”
“It’s not what it looks like,” Teague says. “I was stressed out so I got high. We weren’t making out, we barely kissed! It was a mistake…”
“Get out.”
“Get out, Teague. Or I’ll have someone throw you out.”
Jamie goes up to Teague and says something that makes Teague gets tears in his eyes but he leaves the room. Jamie comes towards me and gives me a hug. “Just relax okay?” Jamie says. “We can deal with all this later. Right now you need your rest.”
She holds my hand.
I was wrong to forgive him.
Once a liar, always a liar.
I might have made the mistake of forgiving him before but I don’t think anything will make me forget what he’s done this time around.
Role Play
There’s a reason I don’t get involved with these women because they make life miserable and demand stupid things at stupid hours. I would have been in my bed at this time, enjoying a peaceful sleep but instead I’m here, sitting in my car right outside the hospital and waiting for some actress to come up so I can pay her.
Ashley’s sitting right next to me and just her presence is enough to make me annoyed. “Why couldn’t you have paid her, Ashley?”
“Because,” Ashley says. “It’s not something someone like me should do. If you do it, it sounds more…dangerous.”
“And why do you need someone dangerous?”
“Because we want her to keep her mouth shut.”
I see a woman of about forty walking towards us, wearing a nurse’s attire. She stops right by the limo and stoops and I roll down the windows. Ashley smiles at her and the nurse smiles at us both. “I hope that was good enough,” she says.
“Oh it was,” Ashley says. “It was perfect. You’re a great actress, Debs.”
“Thank you. I wanted to be an actress. Never really got the chance.”