Page 75 of Perfect (#Hashtag 1)
“What?” Liam says.
“He’s in the hospital,” Holden says. “And well you know you put him there, right?”
“I want to see him,” Liam says. “Please. I’ll do whatever you want, just let me see him.”
“No freaking way,” I say, walking over to the desk and tapping the contract Holden is holding. “Free him from the contract, Liam.”
“I can’t.”
I lodge my fist into his face and he gets a cut right over the bridge of his nose. He’s bleeding and a total mess. “Free him from the contract,” I repeat.
“Will you let me see him then?”
“Shut up,” Holden says. “Quit acting like you give a shit and sign this,” Holden says, taking a pen and clicking it open, and placing the contract he’s drawn up through his lawyer urgently. “Sign it. This cancels the preexisting contract between you and Sebastian. Don’t make us go medieval on your ass.”
Liam takes the pen and signs the document while Daniel crashes his bat into something else. It’s obvious he’s having a little too much fun playing that part again. When Liam is done signing Holden carefully places the contract inside his jacket. Daniel glances at Liam, and they both look at each other. “Listen to me,” Daniel says. “And listen to me good. There’s no Sebastian as far as you’re concerned. He’s off limits. Do you hear me?”
“Daniel’s right,” I say. “There’s three of us and one of you. And you’re not the only one who has power in this small town. Getting someone to go missing or making sure they’re lying peacefully under the river is not going to be a tough job when we have the right incentive. I suggest you don’t give us that incentive. Understood?” There’s no answer from Liam, so Daniel pokes at him with the bat. “Understood?”
“Yes,” Liam finally relents.
“If you so much as come near him, I’m going to shove this thing so far down your throat you won’t know where your mouth begins and your ass ends. Capiche?”
Done Deal
“We were good in there,” I say, hoping to make Daniel and Holden give up their differences but I know it’s not going to happen so fast. Still, it was worth a shot.
We get in Holden’s limo and I notice that he has a new driver now. “Holden,” I say. “I know you and Daniel have some unresolved issues but come on, man. Don’t you think it’s about time you got over it?”
Daniel says nothing just looks out the window.
Holden says nothing just looks out the window.
Great job, Teague. You probably just made it worse.
Love Never Ends
The sound of the buzzer wakes me up from my sleep. I haven’t really been able to sleep properly since Mia’s incident. And then, with the whole Sebastian nightmare, sleep has been as far from me as I am from Mia at the moment.
God, I miss her even when I’m half-asleep!
The buzzer rings again.
“Hold on to your horses! I’m coming!” I yell, knowing that they can’t hear me but when I answer the door at last, it’s the last person I expected to come at this late hour.
Mia barges in without so much as a single comment and throws herself onto me, throwing all her weight on me and I lift her up and we start kissing and fuck, it’s fucking beautiful and crazy and out of this world.
“Mia,” I say, breaking off. “What’re you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing you idiot?”