Page 8 of Broken (#Hashtag 2)
I enter my loft using my set of keys. The whole thing with Holden has left me exhausted, and not just physically. “Mia,” I say, the minute I close the door behind me. “You better be naked because I’m too tired to rip stuff tonight!”
The person sitting on the couch with Mia makes me stop dead in my tracks. “Jamie.”
“Jamie wanted to come by and talk,” Mia says. “I told her you wouldn’t mind.”
I smile to make sure she feels welcome. “Why would I mind!”
We sit there silently for a long time, before Mia finally speaks again. ?
?Jamie was just telling me that the baby’s doing well,” she says.
“Right,” I say. “Damn, I always seem to forget that you’re having a baby. It seems so unreal. I just got back from Holden’s place—” I stop in the middle of my sentence, unsure whether she wants to hear any more. After a bit of an awkward silence, Jamie speaks up. “How’s he doing? Is he okay?”
I know genuine concern when I see it. And there’s nothing fake or forced about Jamie’s worry. “He’s fine,” I say. “You know him. He tends to drink a lot when he’s dealing with stuff. Closes himself off to everyone. Pushes people away. I think we need to let him process this at his own pace. I’m sure he’ll be back to being himself soon enough.”
“Does he really think Daniel and I…that we…tricked him or something?”
I’m not sure she wants the answer to that. Besides, Holden was too drunk to know what the hell he was talking about. I’ve been drunk and angry at people before, it doesn’t always stay that way when you’re sober. “Jamie,” I say. “He’s just confused right now.”
“I understand,” she says and tears fall from her eyes and don’t stop. Mia hugs her but Jamie can’t stop crying and it makes me feel worse.
“Jamie,” I say, going toward her and sitting next to her on the couch. “Listen to me. If it was just you, I’d let you cry all you want. But I don’t think it’s good for the baby, don’t you think? If you take stress the baby will feel it.”
“Yeah,” Mia says. “Teague knows this from the dozen or so babies he’s dropped out of his ass! A lot like his words!”
Jamie laughs. “God, you two are impossible.”
“I know,” I say, holding Jamie’s hand. “We belong together. So we make sure we do everything to make it work. You and Holden will get through this, Jamie. I just know it. I know he still loves you because why else would he be so hurt?”
Jamie wipes her tears. “I can’t thank you guys enough for your support.”
Mia gets up. “I think this is the perfect occasion for wine and ice-cream! Who’s in?”
The Call
No matter how much I try to get to sleep after my mother’s left the room, I can’t. I keep tossing and turning and it’s just frustrating that lying in that bed, the only thing I can think about is her. And not some angry, revenge thoughts either, but actual concern. I wonder if she’s been regular about the doctor’s visits, wonder if the baby is okay, wonder if Daniel is with her going to those visits now that I’m not—fuck. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I worrying about the one person I shouldn’t be worrying about? But Teague’s words had weight. I don’t know why he was taking her side; that part was just annoying, but even I have to admit that the news could be fake and been released by someone who wanted to hurt my reputation or get some other benefit. I pick up my phone several times, ready to call Jamie and give up every time before I’ve hit CALL. Sometimes, I just want to hear her voice. How stupid is that? I’m about to put my phone down and try to sleep again when there’s a call from a blocked number.
I pick it up. “Hello?”
“Do you want answers?”
“Just answer the question.”
“Tell you what,” Harlow says. “I’ll give you the next five minutes to think about it. We can give you answers but everything has a cost attached to it. If you’re willing to pay the price, then we can talk.”
“Wait!” I say before he hangs up. “Harlow, I don’t need five minutes. I don’t even need a minute. I’ve made my decision.”
“Okay then,” he says. “Meet me at the bridge, tomorrow. Alone. I’ll text you the time.”
Bedtime Blues