Page 5 of Deal Makers (Dealing with Love 3)
He gulps as he stares at the cleavage on display. “Maybe I’m more of an ass man.”
Oh, so he’s going to play it like that, huh? Time to up the ante.
I jump off the stool and grab his arm. “Well, lucky for you, my ass is fantastic. C’mon, let’s go.”
He stands but resists when I try pulling him forward. “Go where?”
“I saw a small patio near the hallway to the bathrooms. You said you needed fresh air, didn’t you?”
He eyes me skeptically. “Why do I get the feeling that you have ulterior motives?”
I shrug. “Because I do.”
His eyes flash with desire and this time, he willingly allows me to lead him across the restaurant.
What am I doing? Following Charlee has clusterfuck written all over it, yet I seem to be in a trance as her perfectly heart-shaped ass leads me across the building. Let’s be real; I easily weigh twice as much as she does. If I didn’t want to see what she had in mind, she wouldn’t stand a chance. Goddamn, she wasn’t kidding about the fantastic ass. Understatement of the year, right there. This is not the first time that I’ve noticed. Charlee throws a smile over her shoulder as we step out onto the patio. The completely empty patio, besides us.
I rub the back of my neck. “Uh...I think I’ve had enough fresh air. I’m just gonna get back to the party.”
Charlee rolls her eyes and flings her arm wildly. “Oh, don’t be such a pussy. We just got here and I only want to talk.”
I laugh. Her bluntness is one of the first things that makes her stand out in a crowd, besides the fact that she’s fucking gorgeous. She almost always talks with her hands, which is adorable, and the girl has no filter, just like her brother. You’d never know they’re siblings by looking at them; they couldn’t be more different, physically speaking. Brody’s tall and built, with blonde hair and blue eyes, whereas Charlee is short and thin, with dark chocolate hair and bourbon-colored eyes. The more I get to know her though, the more I see how similar their personalities are—they’re practically male and female versions of each other. I’m sure Freud would have a field day with my attraction to her.
“Why can’t we talk inside?”
“Because Brody is being an ass,” she says. “He doesn’t want me anywhere near you.”
“I can’t say I blame him.”
She tilts her head to the side. “Why’s that?”
“Because I’m sure he knows what I’m thinking whenever I look at you. I’d kick his ass if he had those thoughts about Devyn.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“No, that’s Bro Code,” I correct. “Sisters are off-limits.”
“You’re kidding me, right?” There go the hands again. “You guys actually believe in that stuff?”
I shrug in response.
“You know what I think? I think you’re both morons.”
I put my hands in my pockets and rock back on my heels. “Maybe, but that doesn’t change it.”
“So...let me get this straight. If I wasn’t Brody’s sister, I’d be fair game? You’re not denying that you’re attracted to me?”
I grin. “Not denying that even a little.”
She gets a devious smile on her face as she inches closer. “ agree that we have chemistry? That you’d be more than happy to take what I’m offering?”
There’s just enough blood left in my brain to tell me that I should abort. Sadly, the blood flowing to my other head likes where she’s going with this.