Page 52 of Deal Makers (Dealing with Love 3)
Riley is just standing there silently, taking in our surroundings. I watch as his eyes travel over the plated food in my kitchen, to my t-shirt on the floor under the table, before stopping on the chair that I knocked over in my haste to stick my face between my wife’s thighs.
“Did we interrupt something?” he asks.
I scrub my hand over my jaw. “Uh...yeah. I’ve been a little busy and golf completely slipped my mind.”
Brody’s eyes follow the path Riley’s had just taken. He leans closer to me, sniffs the air, and smirks. “Is that why you smell like pussy?”
I start choking on my own damn saliva. “No, I don’t.”
Brody barks out a laugh. “Right, buddy. Do you think I don’t know what pussy smells like? It’s my favorite perfume in the whole wide world.”
Riley’s laughter dies as he catches sight of Charlee’s hot pink purse dangling from the hook in my foyer. Fuck. I hope Brody wasn’t paying attention when my sister was gushing over how much she loved that thing in Vegas. It’s pretty obvious Riley knows exactly who its owner is.
Brody walks into the kitchen and helps himself to a bite of the frittata. He groans when he tastes how fucking delicious it is. “This tastes almost exactly like my mom’s frittatas. Damn, whoever this chick is, she knows her way around a kitchen.”
“How do you know I didn’t make it?”
Brody scoffs. “Right.”
Riley shakes his head in disbelief, probably realizing that Brody will figure shit out if he stays here much longer. “C’mon, dude, let’s take off. I’m sure Drew won’t mind if we go without him, all things considered.”
“Nope. Not at all.”
Brody shovels another bite into his mouth. “Soooo good.”
Riley pulls him by the back of his shirt. “Brody, we’re going to be late.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Brody mutters. He points to me. “Don’t think I won’t be hounding you for details later.”
I open the door, hoping to get him out of here faster. “Have fun, you guys.”
Brody laughs. “Yeah, you too, buddy.”
I turn the locks the second the door is closed and heave a sigh of relief. I make my way down the hallway and knock on my bedroom door. “They’re gone.”
Charlee opens the door, wearing another one of my shirts, with eyes as wide as saucers. “I couldn’t hear everything. What happened?”
I take a seat on the edge of the bed. “Let’s just say that was a really close call. I thought we were fucked when he started eating the eggs and made some comment about your mom’s cooking. Riley knows, no doubt. He recognized your purse.”
The mattress bounces when she plops down beside me. “Shit.”
I turn toward her and brush some hair behind her ear. “That was probably a sign that we should nix the whole, take advantage of our marriage while it’s legally binding plan.”
She nods. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
I swipe my thumb over her plump bottom lip. When I get to the middle, her teeth snake out and press down on my nail, right before she takes the entire thing into her mouth and sucks like it’s the best motherfucking lollipop in existence. My dick instantly salutes her, ready for action.
“Maybe one more time for the road,” I suggest.
She releases my thumb and straddles my lap. “That’s an excellent idea.”
There’s no way in hell once more will ever be enough but I worship Charlee’s body like it’s my last chance, just in case.
“Carlotta, what’s on your mind?”