Page 38 of The Accused
Sherwood The heart attack was probably caused by the intruder.
Kersley Re-enter the intruder, who conveniently appears whenever you’re in trouble. No, the truth is that there never was an intruder, Mr Sherwood, because it was you …
Barrington My Lord, I must object. My learned friend is putting words into the defendant’s mouth.
Judge I agree with you, Sir James. Mr Kersley, you must stop attempting to be the witness as well as prosecuting council. If I were to allow this to continue much longer, you might well end up being the judge as well.
Kersley As Your Lordship pleases.
Judge (furious) In future, Mr Kersley, allow the defendant to answer the questions and the jury to decide on the facts.
Kersley Is it a fact, Mr Sherwood, that you kissed Ms Mitchell at the staff Christmas party?
Sherwood (pause) Yes - I’ve already admitted to that.
Kersley And then you left the party a few minutes later?
Sherwood Yes, I did.
Kersley Did Ms Mitchell leave with you?
Sherwood No, she did not.
Kersley Several people were present at that party, Mr Sherwood.
Sherwood I’m not saying she didn’t leave at the same time. I’m simply pointing out that she didn’t leave with me.
Kersley A nice distinction. But did you then offer to accompany her home?
Sherwood No, we went our separate ways.
Kersley Was it raining at the time?
Sherwood No, it began to rain later.
Kersley Just as you arrived back at her house?
Sherwood I’ve never been to her flat.
Kersley I didn’t say flat, Mr Sherwood, I said house.
Sherwood I’ve never been to her flat, her appartment or her house. I don’t even know where Oldfield Road is.
Kersley Oldfield Road? Who mentioned Oldfield Road?
Sherwood Ms Mitchel must have done when she gave her evidence.
Kersley I don’t think so, Mr Sherwood, she referred to Tooting, but she made no mention of Oldfield Road. I could always call for the court transcript, just to be sure.
Sherwood Then I must have seen it written on her file somewhere, but I have no idea where it is.
Kersley Do you know where your office is by any chance, Mr Sherwood?
Sherwood Yes, of course I do.
Kersley And did Ms Mitchell lie when she told the court you asked to see her in your office the following morning?
Sherwood No, I wanted to apologise more formally for what had happened at the staff Christmas party.