Page 4 of Only His
Seeing Liam’s number light up my screen for the hundredth time today, I debate if I should answer it then give in, sliding my finger across the screen and putting the phone to my ear.
“Em,” he calls gently, and all the stress I’ve been feeling today boils over as hot tears spring to my eyes while anger lights up my belly.
“You should have told me. You should have warned me,” I hiss, using anger to cover up the hurt I’m feeling from his betrayal.
“I wanted something for myself,” he growls. “Is it so fucking wrong I wanted you all for myself? That I didn’t want to share you?”
“You still should have given me a warning of some kind. My parents are freaking out. My mom wants me to move back home to the States, and my dad is on his way right now,” I say, rolling to my side. When I moved to England, I really just wanted a fresh start, away from the small town I grew up in and the rumors about me that I heard whispered behind my back since I was sixteen. Rumors that were not true. Rumors that pushed me close to the edge before I was strong enough to face them.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he replies quietly, and I can picture his face in my mind and know his eyes are soft and full of concern.
“Me, too,” I agree. He has no idea what this has done. I know it won’t be long before someone from my past talks to the media and the world finds out about the rumors.
“I’ll be back in a week tops. We’ll get everything figured out.”
“There is nothing to figure out, Liam.”
“I’m not letting you go, Emma. If you think I’m going to just let you end this, you’re out of your goddamn mind. I told you when I saw your blood on my cock that you were mine, and I meant that shit.”
“You did not just say that,” I hiss, sitting up and wiping the wetness from my cheeks.
“You knew what kind of man I am when we started this.”
“I knew nothing, obviously!” I cry, tossing my hand in the air.
“You knew, Em. Think about it and you’ll know I’m right.”
He’s exactly right. I knew he was possessive, stubborn, and determined, but I did not know he was famous, that he lives his life with the world watching. I had no clue about that part, and that right there changes everything for me.
My phone buzzes with a text, and I pull it away to look at the screen before replacing it. “I need to go. I have to pick up my dad. He landed early,” I say, feeling defeated as I plop back down onto my bed and pull the covers up over my head.
“This isn’t over. You have a week to get used to the idea of what I do and who I am. One week, Emma, and then I’m coming for you,” he tells me softly, but I know by his tone it’s not a threat I should take lightly.
“Goodbye, Liam. Stay safe,” I whisper before hanging up. Dropping my phone to the mattress, I lie here until light filters in through my windows. Then I get up and get ready to pick my dad up from the airport.
“Dad, slow down.” I hold onto the side of my door as he speeds down the road, attempting to get away from the paparazzi. They followed me from my apartment to the airport, into the airport, and then back into my car, all the while shouting things at me. I know the thing that pissed my dad off the most was them asking if it was true that I’m pregnant, which I’m not. Or at least I don’t think I am. Then again, at this point, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that not only is Liam famous, but his sperm has the ability to bypass my birth control.
“I can’t believe this shit. Don’t they know this is exactly how Princess Diana died?” Dad squawks.
I roll my eyes and hold on tighter, knowing that if we end up dead, it’s going to be his fault, not the three cars following behind us. “Just slow down and they will slow down. You can’t get away from them, Dad. Most of them were parked outside of my building this morning, so they know where I live already.”
I hear him grumble under his breath, but thankfully he slows down and we make it into the city alive and well. As soon as we get to my building, he parks then rushes me inside, where a large, very handsome black man is waiting outside my door.
“How did you get in here?” my dad asks, and the guy raises a brow then looks down at me.