Page 16 of Camilo's Virgin
“Mmm. Ok. How are you feeling about meeting them?” I ask because I know he feels a bit uneasy, unsure of what they are going to think of him considering he was part of the family they shunned.
“I’m fine, baby. Don’t worry about me. How is my son?” He rubs my stomach, and the baby starts bouncing like crazy.
“Apparently happy to get some attention from you.” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. This boy just stopped moving.
“Another daddy’s boy, huh?”
“Not surprised.” he spins me in his arms and kisses me.
“Are you feeling jealous, sexy? Is my queen feeling attention deficient?” Damn he knows me.
“A little.” I poke my lip out and tease him. The truth is if anything I am the one neglecting him. I have been spending so much time with my brothers and their wives Saffron and Teresa.
“I’m sorry baby. If your greedy ass knew how to keep your noises to yourself, I would fuck every minute of the day, but that snatch makes too much noise,” he whispers in my ear. My face heats up as my pussy juices, his words like a shot to my clit. “Mmm...I can smell her. Does she need my tongue, wife?”
“Milo.” I whine, squirming and squeezing my legs together. His hand moves down my stomach as his breath and tongue make a path up my neck. Buzzz. Shit. The phone rings.
“Damn baby. They are outside. I promise I will take care of you later. Come on.” I am going to kill him. We walk down the stairs and Axel meets us.
“Sis, would you mind if I took the kids with me to my buddy El’s house? It's sort of a daddy playdate thing going on between the Heart's, Jorgensen's and Crawford's and I am trying to get in my practice before Saff pops.” I giggle. He has been so great with the kids and the twins especially love him already.
“Sure. Have fun.” I look out the window and see his cousins and their wives exit the car. I watch these four exotic looking people walk toward the door and I start to feel a bit self-conscious. The women look so glamorous and beautiful. I find myself running my hand down my shirt and stomach.
Looking up as they walk in, I can't help but think how dark and sexy each of the men are. Hey, I am still a woman. Sue me.”
“Chassie, I would like for you to meet my cousins Eco and his wife Eva and Benicio and his wife Pilar.” The men shake my hand and welcome me to the family. The women appear to be huggers and are fascinated with my big belly.
“I’m sorry, I should have asked. I just miss my pregnant stomach sometimes.” Eva says rubbing my tummy. “Eco, we should have another one.” she fakes pouts at him.
“I told you whenever you are ready, Diosa.” He kisses her before he lets go. We all stand there and chat for a few more minutes before the guys leave to go talk business and the ladies suggest we go have a girl's day.
We spend the day shopping, since they insisted on buying some stuff for the baby, knowing we came over here with nothing. Before I know it, it is five o'clock and the guys are calling for us to meet them at Utgard.
On the drive to the restaurant, my mind is everywhere. I am bouncing between how fun the ladies are and how much fun I can see us having both with and without the kids, but I am also thinking how much I love this little town. I have grown so fond of Bleak, and it helps that my brothers are here. I could see myself here, living and happy. Something simple, but big enough to house my growing family. This would be ideal. As fast as the thought comes, I am slapped with the realization that I could very well be selfish. My husband is not going to want to stay here. We came here not to build a life, but to reunite me with my brothers before starting a different life in Jersey with his family. What the hell am I thinking?
Dinner is fun and the food is delicious. We are introduced to the owner, Loki and his wife. Yet again nice people. The ambiance is amazing, but my mind is a thousand miles away and Milo knows it, though he says nothing. He sneaks me looks, letting me know he is on to me, but I know now is not the time.
Walking to the car, Milo’s phone rings. “This is Milo.'' I can’t hear it from his side, but by the twitch in his jaw his clenching and unclenching hands I know whatever it is, it' s bad. His cousins, picking up on his tension, stand firm waiting for him to get finished. Finally, he puts the phone down, having said nothing the entire conversation, we are all on pins and needles.