Page 4 of Camilo's Virgin
“My swimsuit.” she says so nonchalantly like we didn’t tell her this morning we were not going swimming today.
“I can see that. I am wondering why you are wearing it.” She puts her little hand on her hip and tilts her head.
“It's for the pool.” She frowns and I fake a cough to stop from laughing at her obvious attempt to try to make me believe the plans had somehow changed.
“I see. Gen, we talked about this last night. There is no swimming today, sweet girl. Mommy and daddy have too much going on and the twins are under the weather.” She puffs her little chest like she does anytime she doesn't get her way. I can see her beautifully expressive eyes, changing as her mind starts trying to come up with a rebuttal. She is so much like her father.
“Ah. I see we have forgotten our talk about not swimming today have we?” Milo walks into the room and immediately takes in the scene, before kissing me.
“Apparently.” I say wrapping my arms around his waist before releasing him.
“But daddy...”
“Gen, you heard your mom. It would do, little miss, for you to remember that we don’t like being argued with by children. Now, go…”
“Pappi!!” She shrieks before running to Kosmo and jumping in his arms. I watch, forcing myself to school my expressions so my extreme dislike of him doesn’t show. Despite all of his negative traits and how awful of a person he is out there, he is a great grandfather to my children, and he loves my husband and his brother.
“My little Princessa. Are you swimming today?” he asks her, tickling her belly.
“Mama says I can’t go.” she pouts her little lip and I hide my giggle. She is a master manipulator and all the men in her life fall for it. Milo’s brother included.
“Why can’t my princess go swimming?” he asks, in mock anger facing me and Milo. I know my husband can feel my body tense and he rubs my back.
“The twins are sick, and we have stuff to do,” he answers evasively.
“Why don’t I take her and Junior. Your brother can join us.” I smile when Gen shrieks and kisses his cheek. She is going to be in so much trouble when she is a teenager. I look at Milo and he raises his eyebrow. I smile a bit and he answers.
“Sounds fine, Padre. Only for a few hours.”
“Excellente. Go get your brother, little one.” He puts her down and she runs off yelling his name. The awkward silence fills the space and I hate feeling uncomfortable in my own home. “Bandida will be back the day after tomorrow from her sisters in Miami. Why don’t we all have dinner?” he suggests, referring to his wife that I hate almost as much as him. Silently, I dig my nails into Milo’s back, conveying how much I hate this idea, but I also know we have no choice. He phrased it as a question but really it was an edict.
“Of course.” Milo inclines before steering me away from the conversation. “Baby go make sure the kids are ready.” He kisses my forehead before sending me out of the room. Turning the corner, I released the breath I was holding and sag against the wall.
Twenty minutes later and two excited kids, I check on the twins and see their fever is still down. They are with their sick nurse, napping. Walking back into my bedroom, my thighs squeeze together when I see my husband standing in front of the bed, stroking his cock. “Come here, wife,” he says, licking his lips. I go to him, no hesitation and needy for his touch. His mouth meets mine in domination and I moan as his hands roam my sensitive body. He pulls the sash on my robe, and I am naked before him. “Jesus. You are even more gorgeous when you are ripe and growing my child inside of you.”
“Milo.” I whine when his lips wrap around my nipple.
“Leaky tits are like ice cream baby.” He devours my nipples as his hand rubs my stomach. Our son kicks him, and I smile.
“I love you.” I tell him between cries and keens of pleasure.
“Never more than I love you, cara. Lay back and spread those ripe thighs.” Oh God. My legs open for him, the air rubbing against them making me shiver from the moisture on them. After the birth of our son, I was self-conscious about the stretch marks and the extra meat on my body, but a few crying minutes of blubbering as such to him and he helped me see the error of my ways…for hours with his mouth. I now know his obsession with my body is not only skin deep.
“Shit.” I shout into the air when his tongue makes contact with my pussy. He licks and sucks, his fingers digging into my thighs, no doubt leaving marks.