Page 25 of Must Love Music
A ripple of anticipation coursed through the sluggish circulation of her body. He would care for her. Completely.
“First you dressed me. Now you’re going to feed me. When do I do something for you?”
“I told you, I believe my role as dominant is to ensure you’re surrounded by luxury, and have all your needs met.”
“I thought your role as dominant was to blow my mind with incredible sex.”
He laughed, the sound washing over her in benediction, filling her with joy. “That’s one of your needs, isn’t it? You can satisfy my desires later.”
Gayle frowned. “Have you had…any…?”
She nodded.
He lifted his hand from her hip and stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Yes. There’s more to satisfaction than simply coming. Helping you with your music was satisfying. Watching you enjoy the meal I prepared for you was satisfying. Having my touch send you into orbit was extremely satisfying.”
She closed her eyes and relaxed into his gentle caress.
“That being said, I would like you to make me come, hard and long.”
“Yes, Master Rikard.” She swallowed, inexplicably nervous. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to let me make love to you.”
She blinked. “That’s it?”
“That’s it. Ready for your dessert now?”
He lifted her off his lap, and set her down in her previous chair. While she stuffed her belongings back into her purse, he washed his gloved hands, then dished the dessert out onto two plates.
Gayle’s eyes widened at the confection he placed before her. A half pear glistened in a coating of thick golden syrup, topped by a scoop of French vanilla ice cream, the whole thing drizzled with swirling loops of caramel and garnished with chopped pistachio nuts. “It almost looks too good to eat.”
“It’s just poached pears.”
“Just poached pears. Like you have them for dessert all the time?”
“Actually, I had one for dessert last night, and will have one for dessert tomorrow night. The recipe is for two pears, and it’ll keep for two days.”
“So what do you have the rest of the time? Crème Brûlée?” she mocked.
Rikard’s eyes narrowed. “What is your problem, Gayle?”
She threw her spoon onto the table, and buried her face in her hands. “I don’t know!”
Instantly, he pulled her into his lap, tucking her head against his shoulder and rubbing soothing strokes up and down her arm. “Shush, now. Forget the dessert. What’s bothering you?”
She sniffed. “I don’t understand this. I thought it was an even trade. But you’re doing everything for me. And then you don’t even want me to do anything to get you off, just have sex!”
“So you’d be happier if I wanted you to kneel and suck my cock until I came?”
Despite the confused tone of his voice, she nodded. She could taste his smooth length filling her mouth, hot and hard, thrusting deep into her throat almost farther than it was possible to take him. She swallowed, her throat suddenly thick.
“At least that would make sense.”
He sighed, and trailed damp fingertips along her jawline. “I wasn’t going to mention this until you were ready to go to bed with me, but I do have a request. I want to take you from behind, so I can see the marks of my whip and my
hand on your skin as I’m plunging into you. I want to claim you completely, and know every inch of your body belongs to me, to do with as I will.”