Page 6 of Dark Salvation
"Congratulations." Was that what you said to good research results? It was a good, all purpose comment. She couldn't focus her thoughts. Her mind felt full of taffy. Or maybe caramel.
"Would you consider staying on a few days to assist him with his research? It's a chance to add a human side to your story."
She stared at his smile, a gleaming, almost predatory smile that suddenly seemed no more sincere than a politician's declarations of honesty, and snapped wide awake. He waited for her answer, his eyes glittering fever-bright with excitement. And something else. Something dark and ruthless hid in the shadows behind his smile.
In a sudden flash of clarity, she knew that if she stayed, she'd learn his secret. But she wasn't sure that she wanted to know. The price of discovery might be more than she could pay.
She forced her voice to remain light as she lied, "Thanks for the offer, but I'm on a busy schedule. I have two other interviews scheduled tomorrow."
His smile faded.
"Those interviews will have to be postponed. Dr. Chen's research is too important for you not to help him."
"What could I do? Does he need a journalist to document his results?"
"You can help him the way you did earlier today."
"As a lab rat?"
"As a valued part of a scientific research effort."
This couldn't be happening. She snatched up her notebook and stood up on shaky legs. Taking a deep breath, she announced, "I'm leaving now. And you can't stop me."
He frowned, his features darkening, and she thought her heart would burst through her chest with the adrenaline flooding her veins. Then he stepped away from the door and smiled like a perfect host. The sudden transition rooted her to the floor in fear, expecting him to transform into some terrifying creature from the horror movies as soon as she moved.
"I'm sorry. My enthusiasm got the better of me. I naturally assumed you were as interested in the Institute's work as I am. Of course you are free to go."
She stared at him, not trusting the truth of his words. Then she gave herself a brisk mental shake. Exhaustion and her failure to discover Lacroix's secret had set her on edge, and she was letting her overactive imagination get away from her.
She walked past him, through the foyer to the elevator. He followed her, not making a sound. The whir and clank of the elevator rising in response to her summons echoed in the sudden silence. With a musical chime, it ground to a halt and the doors slid open.
"Thank you for the interview, and the tour."
He clasped her hand in a firm handshake, but did not let go as he said, "It was my pleasure. And my offer still stands. Any time you're in the area, feel free to stop by and help Dr. Chen with his research."
"I'll remember that." She pulled her hand free and stepped into the elevator. The doors slid closed, shielding her from his haunting green gaze. Fanning herself with her notebook, Rebecca cursed the too hot elevator and stabbed the parking garage button.
The elevator lurched and began its downward trip, reminding her of the underground garage Lacroix had failed to mention. Now that she'd met the man, she was sure he'd omitted that detail on purpose, hoping to throw her off balance. It hadn't worked, but he hadn't needed it to. The man himself was enough to unbalance her normal good sense.
A musical chime and another lurch signaled her arrival at the parking level. The doors opened on the deserted visitors' lot, her rental car the lone sign of life. She'd drive through the employees' lot on her way out and see if there were any cars parked there. She wouldn't put it past Lacroix to bus his people in. From a walled city where they weren't allowed to talk to strangers.
She smiled at the image, but admitted that her nervousness at being underground was making her silly. It would be best just to get in the car and get out of here, into the safe sunshine of a hot Arizona afternoon.
Clutching her car keys, she stalked through the glass doors of the elevator bay to her waiting white Taurus. She fumbled with the unfamiliar lock, then wrenched open the door and threw her pad and pen onto the front seat. She jammed the keys into the ignition. Putting all of her frustrations into a savage twist, she turned the key all the way to the right.
She was already reaching for the gear shift before she realized that the engine was not purring in quiet contentment. It wasn't even coughing or sputtering. It hadn't made any noise after that one, lonely click.
Just what she needed. She couldn't even get a car to cooperate with her.
Gripping the wheel, Rebecca took a deep breath and turned the ignition back to off. She depressed the accelerator a few times, knowing some cars needed that to get the gas flowing, and turned the key again.
Nothing. But it had been working perfectly when she arrived at the Institute!
She leaned back, staring at the unfamiliar dashboard, searching for an explanation. Then she noticed the stalk on the side of the steering wheel, and the indicator pointing to the icon for headlights. She must have brushed against it when she got out of the car this morning. Of course no one had come through the lot and seen her lights on. Who knew how long she'd have to wait before someone came by to help her.