Page 23 of Sticks and Stone
“Harm no one.” Eileen bestowed a brilliant smile upon him, and slapped the branch against the bedspread with a sharp snap.
Dermot jumped. The blood rushed to his cock, leaving him lightheaded, and the plaintive whine broke from his throat again.
She stroked the branch across the shoulder of his suit coat, caressed his neck, then slid the branch inside his open jacked and down his chest. The tip flicked one of his nipples through the fine cotton of his shirt, wrenching a groan from him. Then the branch stroked lower still, and his stomach muscles clenched in trembling anticipation. She hesitated at his waistline, then dipped the branch and lightly tapped his cock.
He surged forward, heat flaring in his groin, and groaned. “Oh, yes, please. Yes.”
“Strip,” she ordered.
Dermot yanked off his suit jacket and flung it against the wall. His trembling fingers seemed unable to grasp the tiny buttons on his shirt, so he simply pulled it over his head. There was a moment of resistance, then the offending buttons gave way. He yanked his hands free of the imprisoning cuffs and tossed the shirt after the jacket.
His belt was next, followed by his pants. The brush of fabric against his cock as he wrestled with the button and zip was maddening, but he persevered, and soon freed his cock from the tangle of his briefs as well. His pants fell to his ankles. He stepped out of them, getting rid of his shoes at the same time, then balanced on first one foot then the other to remove his socks.
Completely naked, he waited for Eileen to tell him what to do next.
She’d been busy while he’d been disrobing, and had pulled all the covers off of the bed, leaving just the black and tan fitted sheet.
She tossed a leopard-printed pillow into the center of the bed.
“Lay down, and cradle your cock in that.”
When he looked at her in confusion, she smiled. “I don’t want you coming too early. I want to find out just how much we can hurt you without doing any harm.”
He shivered, his balls trying to pull up, even as his cock hardened still further and molten desire filled his veins.
“Yes,” he whispered.
He crawled up on the bed and lay face down, his cock nestling into the soft embrace of the feather pillow.
Eileen stroked his ass, her soft hand warm against his quivering flesh.
“Your scratches have healed nicely. Good.”
He thought again of the blood coursing down his legs from the dryad’s beating, and cold fear clutched his heart and balls. Then Eileen slapped his ass, and he felt only hot desire.
The bed shifted as she climbed onto it and straddled his legs. The soft denim of her jeans caressed his thighs.
Her fingers stroked the cleft in his ass. “The having is as easy as the wanting if you say the word.”
“Yes!” he cried.
Her palm slapped his ass, driving him into the pillow. It was a poor substitute for the wet embrace of her mouth or vagina. Using both hands, she covered his ass with stinging slaps.
His hips rose and fell beneath her, matching her rhythm. His cock thrust in and out of the feather pillow with each swat.
Dermot grunted at each blow, aching for more. He wasn’t sure what he wanted. Higher, harder, faster, stronger. Something. Something that would turn this sweet stinging pain into the full-throated bellowing agony of ecstasy.
She paused then, and ran her hands over his tender skin. “Your ass is a lovely shade of pink. All warmed up.”
A shudder rippled through him. She’d only been warming him up. Now the real hitting would start.
The wych elm branch cracked against his ass. He bucked beneath her, startled by the sudden pain, but pinned to the bed by her weight across his legs.
The branch cracked across the other side of his ass. His body twitched again, this time arching up his torso and thrusting his hips down.
The pillow cradled his cock in softness, promising soothing relief from the sharp pain in his ass. Dermot groaned, and ground his hips into the pillow, caressing his hot cock. The branch fell again, thrusting him into the soft feathers.
Soon he was bucking and humping with Eileen’s new rhythm, each slash of the branch driving his hard cock into the warm embrace of soft down. His world collapsed to the twin sensations of painful lashes against his ass and the sweet thrust of his cock into the waiting feathers. The tension between the pleasure and the pain built within him, shaking him with fevered chills.