Page 32 of Dirty Sweet Cowboy
“We need wine. Can you have wine ?”
I raise an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I be able to have wine ?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know. Do young moms drink wine ?”
I laugh hysterically again, so loudly, Gracie looks up from her dolls and starts laughing too, even though she doesn’t know why .
“Hawk, I’m pretty sure they keep the wine industry in business. Go get us some wine .”
He disappears and comes back with two glasses of Candy’s best white, and we eat, and drink, and watch Gracie play, and listen to an old black and white movie, and for a second, I think it might be one of the best nights I’ve had in years. I’m just about to finish my food when Gracie stretches and yawns, and says, “Mama. Sleepy.” I go to shovel in my last few bites when Hawk reaches out and coves my hand with his own, sending a thrill up my arm .
“You eat. I can put her to bed .”
“But, she needs to be changed, and washed up, and put in her pajamas. She’ll need a story, and you’ll have to sing to her,” I start rattling off her bedtime routine, thinking it will put him off. But he just smiles .
“No problem. You stay down here and enjoy your dinner. Have another glass of wine. Gracie and I can handle it, right Gracie?” he says as he winks at her. Gracie holds her arms out to him and says, “Hawky!” with a happy smile. I’m sure my face is reflecting my shock, but I don’t object .
“Well, if you say so. But if you need anything, just yell down. I’ll be right here .”
He scoffs at me, then picks up Gracie, and they disappear up the stairs. For the first few minutes, I mute the TV and try to listen for any signs of trouble. But all I hear is Gracie is laughing, and Hawk talking to her, so I start to settle down. Once I get a few sips into my second glass of wine, and several bites into a second serving of mashed potatoes, I feel a sense of calm that is relatively new, especially since my baby was born. It’s almost as if I’m truly comfortable with the thought of someone else watching Gracie, and the fact that I feel that way about Hawk of all people is an absolute surprise .
I’m just beginning to get lost in the movie when I feel my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out of my jeans and see it’s Anna, and for a second I panic. She hasn’t been on a date in such a long time, I really don’t want things to go badly for her tonight .
“Anna? Honey? What’s wrong ?”
Her voice is reverberating, as if she is in an echo chamber, but she laughs. “Nothing is wrong! I snuck out to go to the bathroom so I could call you .”
I choke on my wine. “Why would you do that ?”
“I had to tell you! It’s going really well, Parrish. He’s so sweet. Nothing like I expected. You know how he looks during the day at a job site ?”
I picture Sid Warren in his overalls and baseball hat and flannel and shrug. “Yeah, I guess .”
“Well, he looks like a model tonight. He’s wearing a sweater over a button-down, and he has glasses on that make his eyes just pop. And he has these skinny jeans on that highlight his… everything, Parrish. His everything,” she accentuates “everything” and I burst out laughing .
“Sneak a picture! I want to see!” I say through my laughter .
“I’ll do what I can. But seriously, Pare. He’s so sweet, and kind, and he’s such a gentleman. I just want to rip his clothes off in the middle of the restaurant,” she whispers .
“Oh my God, Anna !”
“What? A girl has needs,” Anna says with a chuckle. “Anyway, I need to get back before he thinks I’m doing something unladylike in here .”
I snicker. “I won’t press for details. Have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do .”
“Likewise!” Anna says, and hangs up before I can swear at her for giving me shit about Hawk. I set my phone down on the coffee table as Hawk walks back into the living room and plops down in his dad’s easy chair .
“And who was that?” he asks with a raised eyebrow .
“Your sister. She snuck into the bathroom to give me an update on dinner .”
Hawk’s face goes all stern and brotherly. “I hope he’s being a gentleman. If he so much as lays a finger on her …”
“You’ll lay him out in the barn in front of the entire crew ?”
Hawk’s shoulders drop. “Do I need to apologize again?” he asks sincerely .
“No. And I think we can put a cap on the apologies for now. Just, in general. Let’s assume I know you’re sorry for everything and move on. So, is Gracie asleep ?”