Page 38 of Bucked
I have to call Jack.
“Law office.”
“I need to speak with Jack,” I say to the most fake-sounding receptionist I’ve ever heard. When he comes on the line, I don’t waste time with preamble. “Jack. Kanen. I need your help.”
“Sure, man. What’s up? You in trouble?”
“Not exactly. I need to know if you can sort out an immigration issue.”
“Why are you concerned about immigration?”
“Remember the dark-haired girl I bought a drink for when you were in town?”
“Sure do.”
“Well she’s from Canada. And she did a bit of work down here. One training shift, and one half-shift before quitting, as far as I can tell. I’m not sure she’ll even get paid. And now they’re threatening to kick her out of the country.”
“I see. And this is your concern because...?”
“Never mind that, Jack, I just gotta know. Can you get us out of this?”
“Hard to say, Kanen,” he says. “You know I would do anything for you, always have… But when it comes to the law, it’s not like I can change it. If there’s a legal route to saving your ass, or the dark-haired girl’s butt, I’m your man.” He pauses. “But in the meantime, or if there isn’t, don’t do anything stupid.”
I guess Jack knows me.
“You know I’ve grown up. I won’t,” I say, but the dark smile in my voice gives me away.
“At least without talking to me first,” he hedges. “You know you’re doing good things in the world, and I don’t want that stopped because of some dumb impulse move.”
“Yeah, I hear you,” I say.
“E-mail me everything you can about the case and I’ll look into it ASAP.”
“You’re the best, man,” I tell him. Just as I’m about to hang up I hear his voice.
“What is it?”
“Did you almost get killed on your last ride?”
“I know, but this immigration thing is more important. I’m going to ask you about that too. They’re wrapped up together.”
“How so? Did the dark-haired girl try to kill you?” he asks.
“No way, man, and her name is Chastity.”
“Got it. Send me Chastity’s stuff. Everything you’ve got.”
Jack laughs and wipes his nose. “Did you see Mr. Bonner’s face?”
“Damn straight I did.” I grin. “Fuckin’ teacher doesn’t even know what hit him.”
He gets serious for a second. “He better not find out, either. I have geography with him tomorrow, and I can’t get a bad mark, Kent.”