Page 59 of One Bride for Four Ranchers
I can’t move—can barely breathe. I’m not sure yet if I like it. But I know I don’t want him to stop.
The men take the lead, and gently begin to rock me back and forth with Tyler and Joshua supporting all of my weight. My breathing increases, and soon I’m gasping from the sensation of it. I feel an orgasm building inside of me, one so intense I’m almost afraid to experience it. But just when I think I can’t take anymore, I feel pressure against my lips.
I open my eyes to see Trey nudging his cock into my mouth.
There is a need in his gaze—such hunger as he watches his two brothers take me at the same time.
“Take it. Take three of us at once. I know you can,” he says, his voice encouraging. But there’s an order
in his tone, and my body responds to it. I want to try.
I’m not so certain I can do it. But I said I trusted them, didn’t I? So I open my mouth, and Trey slides his cock inside. Clay fits into it all somehow, caressing and pinching and touching me all over, stirring my desire with the others until I’m ravenous for them all.
The men take control, absolute control. Fucking me, moving me, taking care of me. I’ve lost the ability to think, I can only feel. And it hits me that three men are currently sharing my body while the fourth watches on love in his eyes, working to make me come.
How did I get so lucky?
The orgasm hits, even harder than I expected as my entire body, my entire soul, shakes at the intensity.
Distantly, I realize that the men are finding their release around me. Finding their release inside of me. And when they’re done, I collapse amongst them on the bed.
Completely and totally satisfied, in body and in heart.
Months later...
I stare into the beautiful blue eyes looking back at me. He’s so damn tiny, but so perfect, too. I don’t know his name yet, but my heart is ready to explode out of my chest with love for him already. How the hell have I ever lived without this beautiful little boy? Trey nudges my arm, and I look down into another set of tiny blue eyes, just as beautiful.
I barely know them, but I already know that I would kill for them. I would die for them.
Fraternal twins, but I can barely tell the difference between them, they look so much alike. Of course, that might change—they’re barely out of the womb. I can see the Hollister in them, in every line of their face. I can see Jessa as well, in their pert noses and widow’s peaks.
Sunshine fills the hospital room from the eastern-facing window as the sun begins to peek over the horizon. I normally dislike hospitals intensely—especially after having to see Jessa in one after her horseback riding incident, and after the terrible car accident that could have taken her from us. Thank God Trey had had such quick reflexes and steadiness when the brakes quit working in my old truck.
But this... after this, I might start to like hospitals. Just a little.
Especially since this room is cute. The maternity ward in the hospital closest to our home seemed to decorate with babies in mind, despite the fact that few of them stay here longer than a couple of days.
“Can I hold her?” Joshua asks Trey. Grinning ear to ear, Trey hands him our daughter.
Tyler is edging near me, but he looks nervous. Carefully, I hand him the baby before he can object. I know Tyler loves them already, as much as the rest of us. He’s just afraid to hurt them. I doubt the man has held a baby in his life.
I can understand why he feels that way. They’re so tiny, so fragile. But the nurse reassured us that they weren’t as fragile as they appeared. My mind is still working on convincing itself of that fact.
“They’re perfect,” Trey says, voice pitched low, so he doesn’t wake our angel of a woman.
On the hospital bed, Jessa dozes. Still so stunning, so strong. So damn tired, too. She’d been a real trooper through the birth. And while I might never get feeling back in my left hand, it was worth it. I think her new engagement ring might have made a permanent impression on my finger.
“They are,” I agree.
“So, we’re all uncles,” Trey says, but I can hear the question in his voice.
“No. We’re all dads now.” I glance around the room, meeting each of my brothers’ eyes in turn. “We’re all fathers now. I couldn’t imagine this experience any other way.” I motion toward Jessa, who lets out an adorable little snore as if on cue. “Look how well sharing has turned out for us already. We’re not about to stop and quibble about who got her pregnant.”
“Never thought I’d be a daddy,” Tyler says, his voice rough. He shakes his head. “It feels... Feels like our family is whole again. Finally.”