Page 190 of Save Me, Sinners
“I’m okay. Obviously not having as much fun as you, you jammy bastard,” He winks and then gets alarmed as he notices me sitting across the table.
“I'm sorry, pardon my French. I'm Jon. My brother’s manners seem to have gone cock up since he came across the ocean.” He gives David a look.
“I was going to introduce you, you slapper, if you’d give me a break to speak,” David retorts and mock punches Jon.
I don’t understand half of what they’re saying but they remind me of two happy bull dogs, play fighting each other.
“This is Carrie and this fellow, unfortunately, is my brother Jon.”
“Hello, Carrie, a pleasure,” Jon says, extending his hand. “I hope I'm not interrupting something.”
“Oh not at all,” I answer. I already like this guy. Mostly because he’s messing around with David.
“He’s my family but he doesn’t have a moment to spare for his elder brother. Probably, because he’s still bitter about all the pranks I pulled on him as a kid,” Jon smiles. He tries to pull David’s ear, but the latter quickly swats his hand away.
“Just stop it, you wank—” David starts but is interrupted by Jon.
“Come on Dazza, mind your language in front of the lady. Or did our mother never teach you anything? But what’d be the use of that, you’ve always been such a thick-headed duffer.” Jon tries to rap his knuckles on David’s head but he once again gets swatted away. Meanwhile I struggle to control my laugh, so delighted I am to see the proper David Adams get bothered by his elder brother.
“And what a fine impression we’re making on her,” David says finally. “She must think we are a bunch of idiots.” He steals a glance at me.
“No, actually, I don’t think so at all,” I answer, feeling a genuine smile spread across my face. “Jon doesn’t seem like an idiot at all.” I wink at Jon, who breaks into a huge laugh, slapping the table in joy.
“You, I like you,” He points at me and gives me a high five. “A feisty one isn’t she?” He turns to David, who doesn’t respond, clearly not pleased with the axis formed between the other two people at the table. Feeling self-conscious that suddenly all the attention was suddenly on me, I change the topic.
“So Jon, do you work here?”
“Yeah, something like that,” He smiles.
“Bollocks, enough with the bloody humble guy act,” David rolls his eyes. “He owns this place,” he says.
“Wow! Really? Wow! That’s amazing. From what I hear, this is the hottest place in L.A. Right now. Must be very satisfying?” I ask Jon, but it’s David who answers.
“Yeah. He gets perverse satisfaction out of making the rich and the famous beg for a table.”
“Well, I come from a working class background and I do admit that there is a certain pleasure in doing that,” Jon confesses. I know a few people I wouldn’t mind seeing beg, I think, stealing a glance at David’s mischievous smile. I bet he’s preparing some
other nasty remark to make fun of his brother.
“Your mother must be so proud of you.” I address both of them.
“Yeah, she is. But as always, she’s worried about Dazza here and how he will earn a living when he grows up,” Jon throws another sly line at his brother and laughs.
Chapter 86
I chose my brother’s restaurant as a meeting place because I’d have privacy here and also because it’s close to Carrie’s workplace. But as much as I love trading insults with Jon, a typical British pastime, I can’t say I’m too pleased at being outdone in front of Carrie.
I called to patch things up, to make a good impression on her, and to see if I might get her to finish that piece on me. She’s made me realize that I’m surrounded by too many yes men and I need someone like Carrie, someone who speaks her mind and gives it to me straight, if I’m to get out of the mess I’m in. The girl doesn’t realize it but she has the gift of perception… besides, she’s inherently cute, not that I plan to do anything about it. This is strictly professional.
“Don’t you've some eggs to boil or some ducks to massacre?” I say, eager to see my brother leave Carrie and me alone.
“Of course I do. Not everyone has all the time in the world to faff around like you do.”
How rewarding it would be to smack my brother in the head.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Carrie. You must come here to dine sometime. And Dazza you be a good boy now, I’ll see you later.”
Once Jon’s gone, I’m not sure how to continue the conversation with Carrie. Thankfully she speaks first.