Page 195 of Save Me, Sinners
“He is a man of many talents. Why do you think he is my best friend in L.A?”
“Why? Are all your friends mysteriously talented?” I ask.
“Some more than others. For instance, I still don’t know about your hidden talents.”
“What if I don’t have any?”
“For some reason, I find that hard to believe.” He puts his hand on my shoulder, and leans down to look straight into my eyes. The way heat explodes inside my body every time he does that makes me nervous. I haven’t felt such electric desire, such lust at the sight of anymore before. Not even for Max. I’m starting to think that was just a fleeting attraction for a superior.
“Carrie!” Willie exclaims as he sees them approach. “Come here, girl! I hope you brought your appetite with you?”
“She is a struggling writer Willie, you bet she has brought her appetite along,” Shauna says as she gets up from the bar to walk toward us.
“Hey, Shauna,” I say, trying to sound normal in her presence. Shauna intimidates me, especially after she saw my outburst in Max’s office.
“How’s that article coming along?” Shauna asks.
“Pretty good,” I say.
“I hope that boss of yours isn’t being a jerk about it,” Shauna asks, as she sips her drink.
“Not really. He’s out of town with Katherine.” I’m not sure why I add in the last part.
“Oh, right. The rich heiress that he wants to mooch off of. What a scumbag.”
Shauna says it matter of factly, as if this is a fact that everyone knows.
“What do you mean?” I have to ask.
“Sweetie, where have you been living? This is old news. So much so that Max doesn’t even try to hide it anymore.”
I hate to say it but I’m still not sure what Shauna means.
“He’s gonna take all her money and ruin everything the Griswolds have built over the years.” Shauna shakes her head.
“But I thought he was good at what he does?”
“Appearances, sweetie—appearances. He’s kept up the charade of being successful for far too long and plenty of people have fallen for it. But really, it’s all smoke and mirrors. You’ll see.”
Shauna’s words scare me, and I’m questioning my sense of judgement. I thought Max was a genuine gentleman. A hard-working man who built his life with hard work. But then I also believed that he loved me. Am I really that naive? I wish I understood the games these people play in this town.
“Here you go!” The gray thoughts disappear as David hands me a drink. “Cheers!”
“Wait, I thought you were going to be a good boy now and not drink?” I inquire after taking a sip and realizing that there’s alcohol in the glass.
“I'm not. Yours is a mojito. Mine is a virgin mojito,” he grins.
“So you're trying to get me drunk while you stay sober? You better not be thinking of taking advantage of me!”
“And what if I am?” He takes a step closer to me. Ahh! It makes me nervous when he strides like a tiger, his intent gaze leaving no question of who is the prey.
“Then I’d call you a... a... a rogue.” At this point, I’m just blurting out whatever comes into my mind.
“I can live with that. I've been called worse.”
David leans in to say something more, but Willie calls out to us.
“Y’all gonna eat something, or what?” he shouts.