Page 205 of Save Me, Sinners
“He needs to take care and be taken care of.” The doctor smiled. “But since he has a caring girlfriend like you by his side, I don’t think that will be a problem,” He winks at David.
“But I'm not his…” I protest, but David cuts me off.
“Thank you doctor. I'm sure she’ll take very good care of me. Won’t you, darling?” David smirks.
Even when he’s injured, he wants to be naughty. I try to purse my lips but I can’t stop a smile from breaking out. Willie bursts out laughing as well.
An hour later we’re out of the medical center and though it takes fifteen or so minutes to lose the paparazzi, we’re back in David’s house in reasonable time. Since the three of us are in a celebratory mood, Willie offers to churn out some delicious cocktails. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen David smile like this. He’s cracking jokes with Willie, flashing those pearly whites at me and seems very optimistic about his recovery.
Willie takes his leave after the fifth round of cocktails. I want to get going too, but David asks me to stay back. I don’t ask why, and he doesn’t explain either. I help him upstairs to his bedroom as he wants to change into more comfortable clothes and while he does so in his massive walk-in closet, or in this case, hobble-in closet, I step out onto the huge balcony attached to his bedroom. The view is beautiful— it overlooks all of L.A.
“Quite something, isn’t it?” David says as he comes out to the balcony, balancing on a single crutch, his injured foot hanging low above the floor.
“Yes it—” I inhale a quick breath. David’s wearing loose shorts, since it’s difficult for him to wear track pants or even pajamas over the cast. But my eyes are fixed on that muscular chest of his that’s peeking through the open robe. The tingles I felt on the day I first met him, as he climbed out of that swimming pool shirtless, are coming back with intensity. He seems more human, more reachable and even utterly appealing as he looks into my eyes.
Mortified by the sensation of my cheeks heating up, I quickly turn around and tell myself to say something. Anything.
“Quite a spot to build a house,” I open, lamely.
“This was the first house they showed me and I didn’t need to look at ten others to know that this one was perfect.”
“You’ve got good instincts then.” Trying hard to keep the lust out of my voice, I end up sounding very formal.
“That I do,” David answers quietly.
Chapter 93
“That I do,” I answer quietly.
Just like I didn’t have to think twice before I knew you were special, I want to add, but don’t. She’s been nothing but an angel for me, someone who balances my crazy ways with her own inherent, humble beauty. In such a short time, Carrie has made a space in my heart that no other was able to over the years. It scared me at first, but now I embrace it wholeheartedly. I’d be foolish not to, after all that she’s done to keep me sane.
Still, I’m unprepared for the strength of my physical reaction to her appearance. A simple white top, a plain blue skirt and her hair tied in a loose topknot. She’s not even wearing heels like I usually like women to, and yet I’m tempted to yank her into my arms and breathe her in, kiss those lips, take her to bed.
The sun is setting and the evening light seems to cast an artistic halo around her body. The old me would’ve deemed this the wrong time, judged it unnecessary, but the new person that I’ve become because of Carrie knows that this is the perfect time for someone like her to be in my life. She is an oasis in the midst of hell that was L.A.
He walks up to me and squeezes my shoulder.
“Now I know why lovers always talk about sunsets,” I say in a low voice, lowering my lips to her ears. She quickly turns around. With twinkling eyes and that smile that could light a thousand suns, she asks me why.
Carrie looks innocent, intelligent and sexy at the same time. There’s a sudden need inside of me to ease my fingers into that hair of hers and so looking in her eyes, I let down her messy bun. Then I feel the primitive urge rise inside of me and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Her beauty has left me no choice.
Carrie’s lips parts but she doesn't mouth a protest. The concern on her face seems to melt away as I stand close to her, breathing in her presence, her feminine scent and feeling the heat the emanates from her. Her eyes darken even more, and the color of her beautiful cheeks deepen with a blush as she looks up at me. It makes her look even prettier than before.
Words aren’t necessary anymore.
Chapter 94
Moving closer he grabs me firmly by the shoulders, letting the crutch drop, and balances himself perfectly one his one good leg. I reach up to him, my lips open and he touches them softly.
He kisses me hard but slowly. My mouth softens as my lips part to take him in. He takes time exploring my lips, the gateway of my teeth, my tongue. His tongue is soft, sensuous, tantalizing. I get a little wobbly and grab his arms to steady myself, trying not to forget he’s on one good leg. I feel like I’ve never been kissed before, right now— at least not by someone who is all man. A soft sound escapes my throat and I pushes against him.
He gently pulls away and stares into my eyes, and sparks inside me burst into flames. Heat rises in my core. It’s scary to me how attracted I am to him in that moment but I have no choice
. When I’m in his arms, I feel as if I were levitating in the air. His entire being encompasses me and for the first time in a long time, I feel safe... and loved.
I want to kiss David again, till there’s nothing between us but raw, raging heat. Until there’s a desire so intense that it consumes us both. His breathing shifts from relaxed to something more intense and something in the air makes me feel even more alive.
He kisses me again and I want it to last forever. Why hadn’t it ever felt like this with anyone else? Why do I feel such a connection with a man I despised, not so long ago?