Page 208 of Save Me, Sinners
“So what is it gonna be Carrie? I don’t have all day,” Max comes right up to me, trying to intimidate me with his presence.
“There is only one choice, really. If you’re fired, the company doesn’t even owe you anything. There is nothing in your contract that entitles you to severance pay and if you don't agree to my demands, I will personally make sure that you never work in this town again.”
His self-satisfied smug face sets off all the restraint I was struggling to have, and in a shock to myself, as well as to Max, I slap him on the face, and slap him hard.
“That, Max, is my answer. To hell with you and to hell with this town.”
I know that I’ll probably come to regret this. That Max will do everything in his power to destroy my career. But this had to be done.
I’m tired of being bullied, of being treated like a nobody. David is the only guy who treats me with respect, who appreciates my intelligence and who accepts me the way I am.
There’s no way I am going to betray him like that.
Chapter 96
After I leave work, I go straight home. While part of me is glad to be away from that office, and especially from Max, I have a lot of other worries. Worries that even the tub full of ice-cream I devour in a quick half-hour won’t ease. Of course, there’s the ever-present financial worry, and the desperation to save my father’s bar.
But most of all, I’m worried about David and what his reaction will be to that damn article that had pictures of us kissing. How the hell did they even get this picture? David has enough on his plate already and I don't want to be the reason why there’s a new scandal in his life.
I hope I'm more to him than just a scandal.
I never expected anything serious to happen between David and me. Our night together was just that, a night to remember—and then to forget. Maybe. In this moment, the idea of losing him, especially because of some silly gossip magazine, irks me immensely. These gossip magazines are hell bent on ruining my life. The thought almost makes me laugh.
When I left the office, I turned off my phone. Partly because I don't want Max to call but mostly because I’m not sure what I should say to David. As I turn it back on, there’s a text from him. ‘Where have you disappeared to? Call me.’
It takes fifteen minutes to build up courage before I dial his number. I absolutely hate awkward conversations.
“’Ello, love,” David answers in his husky voice and a smile instantly appears on my face.
“Hey, David. How are you?”
“Absolutely fantastic. And you?”
“I'm okay.”
“Just okay. We can’t have that! Why don’t you come meet me at the clinic. I'm going in for an important checkup and I need my good luck charm around,” I can feel his smile through the phone.
“David…” I say in a small, apprehensive voice.
“Yes, Carrie. I’ve seen the pictures. Don’t you think we look cute?” He sounds giddy as a teenager. I’m taken aback for a moment.
“You mean you're not mad?”
“Mad? Why should I be mad? They took such a fantastic shot of us in the perfect sunset light. If anything, I should pay them for a better copy. I could frame it.”
“Oh, David. I was so worried you’d be mad at me.”
“Carrie, my dearest, you’re the last person I could be mad at.” The way he says it, in that perfect posh accent of his, just melts my heart. Then his tone changes. “But I will be mad if you don’t hurry up and meet me at the clinic. Just take a cab and we’ll go back home together once I'm done.”
“All right, babe. See you later.”
All my worries evaporate as if they never existed in the first place, replaced by immense excitement to see David. I want to ask him if his coach has created more problems for him after this latest scandal, but I decide to leave it for later. Grabbing my favorite sun dress, a nice wide-brimmed hat to save me from the harsh LA sun, and a pair of vintage sunglasses that I haven’t used since I went on a trip to Napa, I’m ready.
By the time I arrive at the hospital, David’s already gone in for his scans. Scott, Shauna and Willie sit patiently in the waiting room. This must be really important since all three of them are here.
“Hey, Carrie,” Willie says, getting up and giving me a hug.
“Hey, guys. Any news so far?”