Page 1 of Save Me, Daddy
The Chi Ro Pi Cherry Pies make me feel like I finally have a home again.
But when they send me to their Sorority ‘Bake Sale’ in a skimpy halter-top,
I find out the cherry pie they’re selling is… my virginity.
Up on that stage, I’m more vulnerable than ever.
Until he takes me in his big, strong arms.
I want to stay there forever... if he'll let me.
I can’t wait to show him just how grateful I am. Save me, Daddy!
Virginity auctions aren’t my thing, but when I find the Chi Ro Pies holding one in my building?
I’m furious.
I’m clearly too old for these girls. Ex-military. Way too tough for college kids.
But then she steps on stage. Soft, delicate, beautiful.
Practically trembling in fear. Lost. Bewildered.
She actually thought the Cherry Pie auction would be selling baked goods!
Even as she quivers in fear, my cock is stiffening.
I want to protect her. I want to own her.
So I take her, telling myself I’m her hero.
But who’ll protect her from me?
She knows that this is exactly what I like. She's wearing one of those long T-shirts that bounces around her thighs as she walks barefoot through the hall, dancing lightly up the stairs while making hardly a sound.
I just catch a glimpse of her as she turns the corner, maybe a flash of her blonde hair flying out behind her. It's almost like hide and seek, or trying to catch a firefly in the forest.
She is my obsession ever since the first time that I saw her, I haven't been able to think about anything else. Definitely not anyone else. She is the only one in the world to me now.
The part of my mind that thinks this is wrong is all but obliterated. At first I was startled by the depth and intensity of my desire for her. I held back as long as I could. But all the while, I knew that eventually I would give in. Eventually, it would be like tapping a vein and finding what was hot and throbbing there.
I squint at the screen of my laptop, trying to make it come back into focus. This new business is also taking up quite a lot of my time. It's the sort of thing that I would have thrown myself into completely, six months ago. Now, I struggle to stay focused on it at all.
It, or anything else.
There's just not enough room in my consciousness for anything but her.
She's upstairs, waiting for me. She knows I can hear her, that I'm acutely aware of her presence.
I only have a little bit more work to do, and now I'm just stalling. I sort of like it, the anticipation. That ache in my core. That sharp tang of pain, right where it meets pleasure. She is the hunger I can never quite satisfy. She is the source of all of this.
And she knows I’ll come to look for her. She knows I won't stop, now that she's teased my attention. I put away my work, loudly snapping my laptop closed. She knows I'm coming for her.
It's late. Past her bedtime. She's already dressed for bed and I can imagine it clearly. The long T-shirt riding up her thighs as she stretches on the bed, throwing her arms back with abandon. The smooth, creamy skin disappearing into thin cotton panties. The sweet blush in her cheeks when she knows I'm watching her.
I take the stairs two at a time, letting my heels hit the treads loud enough that she knows I'm coming. I want her to know, to anticipate as well.
She left her door open for me a few inches. The light that slices through is a honey-colored invitation.
Pushing the door open, I pause to let the scene appear slowly before my eyes. She's already in bed, blankets up to her chin. Her hair is fanned out over the pillow and she blinks me with those wide green eyes, the tip of her nose pink, her cheeks reddening in the low light.
“You didn't say good night,” I observe.