Page 24 of High Voltage
"But I'm at the lodge and you're at your cottage, so at the moment, that's the only kind of sex we can have."
She laughed. “You have a point."
"No, what I have is a major hard-on that won't go away. I want you,” he said in a husky voice. “Badly."
Her stomach fluttered and the effect rippled up to her heart, making it skip a beat. She nibbled on her lower lip as she considered a playful come back. She really ought to derail this conversation before it got out of hand and went well past her comfort zone. But she had to admit, there was something thrilling about knowing Garrett was aroused by her, even when he was a good twenty miles away. Even more exciting was how easily and freely he spoke of that arousal—and his feelings for her.
This was what Serena had always dreamed of, since she was a teenager, in fact. She'd dreamt of a man who would sweep her off her feet. A man who would make her heart swell with love and her toes curl with excitement.
And here he was, in the flesh. Well, a voice on the other end of the phone at the moment, but Serena could so easily recall how he'd touched her last night, how he'd made love to her. He may as well be here with her, holding her. She couldn't contain the smile that played on her lips, just thinking about the things Garrett had done to her. The way he'd made her feel, so sexy and desirable, yet cherished at the same time. Special.
He made her feel that same way now, even with his sex talk.
"Come to the lodge tonight,” he said. “I have a meeting at six, but it shouldn't last more than an hour. We can have dinner in my suite."
She liked the sound of that. The closer they were to a bed ... She giggled and shook her head. Never in a million years did Serena think she'd become obsessed with sex, but it was quite possible that she was becoming an addict. At the very least, she knew she was addicted to Garrett's hot, passionate kisses. She could kiss him for hours on end, she was sure, and never want to come up for air.
"Dinner sounds nice,” she said.
"Great. Bring a change of clothes."
Her grin widened. “That's rather presumptuous of you."
"You weren't thinking the same thing?"
"Of course I was. But I would have discreetly stashed them in a large purse that doesn't look like an overnight tote."
"Screw being discreet. I want you to spend the night. Bring a weekend tote, if you want. I'll rearrange my schedule."
This made her breath catch. “For me?"
"For us."
The fingers holding the phone trembled. The oddest sensations flooded her body—a curious mixture of excitement, anticipation and ... acceptance. Garrett Slater wanted her in his life. Not just for one hot, steamy night, but for much longer. Serena couldn't remember the last time she'd been a part of something so huge. She hadn't experienced this sense of belonging ever before in her life. Even within her own family, she was always an outsider. The sentimental, youngest daughter with romantic views on life that her family just couldn't relate to.
At work, she'd been very idealistic and naïve. She'd loved her job as manager of marketing and advertising, because it appealed to her creative side. But she'd been fresh out of college when she'd taken the position and although Serena had been good at her job—damn good, in fact—her perception of the corporate world had been untainted and simplistic, which was what had led to her naivete. It hadn't occurred to Serena that her co-workers would resent her for having been given such a coveted position so early in her career. Nor had she ever dreamed of the antics that went on behind closed doors. Especially when she'd learned that the company's CEO was having an affair with one of his young assistants.
To Serena, the sordid affair had cut deeper than she'd ever expressed to her family or even to Shay. She'd trusted Ben Kramer as a mentor. She'd looked up to him and respected him. The fact that he had a doting wife—who was not only pretty but incredibly smart—and four small kids, made his infidelity all the more shocking and disappointing to Serena.
And then there was that messy little tidbit Shay had mentioned about her shooing out the secretary after Ben had died while they were having sex! And suddenly, Serena was the one wearing the scarlet letter.
"Hey,” Garrett's low voice penetrated her dark thoughts. “Are you still there?"
She instantly forgot about the scandal that had rocked her world—and ruined her career. That feeling of belonging still lingered deep within her, sparked by Garrett's words, his intimate tone and the memories of everything that had transpired between them last night.
"Yeah, I'm still here,” she said, a smile teasing the corners of her mouth. “And as a matter of fact, I will bring a weekend tote. Just in case..."
"There's no ‘just in case.'” His voice was strong and full of conviction. “I want to be with you. As much as possible. I haven't been able to think of anything but you this morning. You're going to wreak havoc on my professional life, but what you're doing to the rest of me is..."
"Yes?” She found herself holding her breath in anticipation of his next words.
A little spark of desire pricked her between the legs.
"And I'm loving every single minute of it,” he added.
Serena grinned. Feeling playful, she said, “Well, as long as you don't mind me distracting you..."