Page 32 of High Voltage
"What does he want with Garrett?” she asked in a quiet voice as Braedan and his men inched closer to the inner patio. Garrett and his men stood their ground, awaiting the confrontation.
The sun had set behind the mountain range and dusk had settled in. The lampposts came on, their large white bulbs glowing golden with the diffused lighting. Shadows crept along the garden and the pathways. Another few minutes and darkness would consume the outer edges. Were there more of Braedan's men out there, just waiting for the prime opportunity to strike?
Was Garrett outnumbered?
She spared a glance over her shoulder and found that Robert was no longer concealing his tension. His good-natured demeanor had morphed into something much darker. Hard angles etched his face and his eyes glowed with something akin to hatred. Clearly, he loathed Braedan as much as Garrett did.
"What's the rub?” she asked. “Why are you all archrivals?"
Robert's attention shifted from the ground below to Serena. “Garrett didn't tell you?"
She shook her head. “He mentioned Braedan. But he didn't really say what the big rift was all about.” She choked back a nervous laugh. Rift? That was clearly an understatement for what was transpiring four stories below them. The tension radiating from both groups of men was so strong, even Serena could feel it. No amount of distance could mask the He-Man power play taking place in the courtyard. The testosterone practically oozed from their every pore.
"Braedan is calling Garrett out."
She gasped. “Because of me?"
Robert smiled suddenly, unexpectedly. “You're quick."
"No, not really. It's just that...” She shook her head. “Christ, it doesn't matter. Can't we put a stop to this?"
"Are you offering yourself to Braedan?"
The mere thought sent a violent tremor through her body. Just that quick assessment alone of Braedan had left her feeling creeped to high hell. She had no doubt the man was bad to the bone. Downright evil, in fact.
"No,” she said. “But this Mexican standoff is ridiculous. All this over a woman?"
"The wounds run much deeper than tha
t. Braedan and Garrett go way back. Their feud is long and sordid. Mostly, Braedan resents Garrett for continually outsmarting him. Braedan wants the world in the palm of his hand, but he's too lazy and unimaginative to figure out how to achieve his goals.” Robert shook his head in disgust. “He wants everything handed to him on a silver platter. So he employs devious ways to get what he wants. But mostly, he takes by force what isn't his."
As Robert's steady gaze landed soundly on her, the chill she'd felt earlier returned. “Oh."
Her attention shifted to the action below. The early evening sky was dark blue, dotted with patches of large cumulus clouds that shrouded the moon. The shadows crept in toward the courtyard, in slow, measured paces. Like Braedan and his men.
As she watched their predatory approach, something unbelievable—and utterly horrifying—happened. One by one, the men surrounding Braedan morphed before Serena's eyes. Changing, in slow motion, from human beings to ... animals. The wolves were large and vicious. They snarled menacingly as they stalked their prey.
"Holy shit.” Serena gasped. Her heart leapt into her throat and terror skittered through every inch of her. “Did that really just happen?” Her voice was a mere whisper. Her hand gripped Robert's forearm for support. Or maybe she was looking for some sort of reassurance that she wasn't delusional or hallucinating. That she hadn't just imagined seeing men transform into wolves.
"You need to get inside."
"No.” She couldn't tear her eyes away from the courtyard. Nor did she want to leave when Garrett was in grave danger. She had to know what happened next ... what Braedan and his wolves would do. She had to wait—to see with her own eyes—that Garrett survived this vicious threat.
"Serena.” Robert was no longer placating her. His tone had turned firm. One strong arm wrapped around her waist and turned her away from the railing, trying to guide her inside.
But Serena wasn't interested in being spirited away. She dug in her heels. “Don't drag me away,” she half-pleaded. “I have to know what happens. I have to make sure Garrett is okay."
"He will be. But you won't be if I don't get you inside."
As though in affirmation—as though he'd heard Robert's comment—the grey wolf that was Braedan lifted his head and sniffed the air. Then his amber gaze connected with Serena's.
She let out a small cry of shock and fear. Sinister did not even begin to describe the wolf that held her stare.
Quickly, Robert ushered her inside, taking advantage of her sudden paralysis. He eased her into a chair. So stunned was she, Serena didn't even realize she was sitting. Until her body started to vibrate and she was suddenly very aware that she couldn't stand up to save her life.
Reality set in hard and fast. What she had just witnessed defied all logical thinking, yet ... it had happened! And she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if Robert had not brought her back into the living room, she would have seen Garrett shift as well. She would have watched him change right before her very eyes.
And, lord help her, she would have freaked out even more.