Page 35 of High Voltage
Sure, she'd always wanted a fairy tale romance. A Cinderella, happily-ever-after love. Since she was a little girl, she'd dreamed of finding her own Prince Charming ... and she'd been willing to wait for him. When all her friends told stories of their hot affairs—relaying the kind of details that had made her blush from head to toe—Serena had silently wished for her own steamy, romantic adventure. She'd held out for it, passing on mediocrity, knowing deep in her soul that one day she would find exactly what she was looking for. What she wanted, what she needed.
And, finally, she'd found it.
Regardless of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding this new relationship, she had to admit that what she'd experienced with Garrett last night exceeded her hopes and dreams.
There was something else Serena had to own up to as well. She loved Garrett. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
She closed her eyes and drew in a deep, albeit shaky, breath.
If she left Wyoming now, she would be walking away from the most incredible thing that had ever happened to her.
She simply needed to find the courage—the inner strength—to stay.
As she contemplated the possibility of a future with Garrett, a curious calm settled over her. Emotions she was unfamiliar with ribboned through her, wrapping around her heart. Serena knew in that instant that to turn her back on what she and Garrett shared would be a huge mistake. One she would regret the rest of her life.
Because she loved him.
Her eyelids fluttered open and a soft smile touched her lips.
Serena glanced over her shoulder and found Robert standing behind her. She'd sensed his presence and she was grateful he'd allowed her some time to come to the realization of her destiny on her own.
"I'm okay,” she assured him. “I've got a grip on the situation."
Robert's grin was easy and natural. “I figured you'd work it all out."
She nodded. “Just needed a reality check ... on a lot of different levels.” Her gaze shifted to the tall door in front of her. “But you have to understand that I need to see him. To know if he's okay."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
Serena gnawed her lower lip a moment. Then she asked, “Can you tell if something's wrong? Can you sense it?” Robert was quiet for too long. She turned back to face him. “Will he survive this fight?"
"He'll do whatever he can to protect you and keep you out of Braedan's clutches."
"I have to know what's going on,” she said. The sudden need to see Garrett warred with her good sense, and in the next instant, Serena pulled open the heavy door. She let out a loud shriek that bounced off the walls of the foyer as she simultaneously jumped back a good foot at the unexpected and shocking sight before her.
The tall, grey-haired man that stood on the threshold, poised to pounce on her, was Braedan. He looked her over with a lascivious, predatory gaze that made her skin crawl. But even worse was the realization that if Braedan was standing at the entrance to the lodge, Garrett was...
"Oh, my God!” she cried out.
Braedan's unabashed leer alarmed her all the more. He eyed her up and down—so slowly she was fairly certain he'd seen right past all of her clothing. Then he propped a broad shoulder against the doorframe and said in a lustful tone, “To the victor go the spoils."
What happened next took Serena by surprise. It all happened so fast, it barely registered in her mind. Robert leapt forward, shoving her out of the way as he launched himself at Braedan, who hadn't seen the attack coming. Robert toppled Braedan and both men hit the wooden deck that encompassed the lodge. Instantly, they were locked in battle and Serena used the opportunity presented to run.
She got to her feet and raced through the door and along the front porch. Rounding the corner, she drew up short at the sight before her. She threw her arms around the tall pillar that stood on one side of the porch steps, which descended to the courtyard. There lay a beautiful black wolf with blood gushing from various open wounds.
Serena's heart slammed against her chest. The breath escaped her body on a hard rush, and her knees buckled.
"No,” she whispered. It couldn't be. Garrett couldn't be so badly injured.
Four other wolves lay on the grass, slain. Where the rest of them had disappeared to, she didn't know. Were the dead wolves all from Garrett's pack? She eyed them closely as she slowly made her way down the stairs. Her legs trembled so badly it was a wonder she could even move. But as she approached Garrett, she saw that two of the lifeless wolves were grey. They belonged to Braedan.
She knelt beside Garrett, who let out a low growl.
"Oh, no you don't,” she said in a quiet, shaky voice. “You don't get to pull attitude with me this time."
Her hand skimmed lightly over his damp coat. Blood seemed to ooze from every inch of him so that she really couldn't tell where the gashes started or ended.
"Shit,” she whispered. He was in bad shape.