Page 19 of Seduction (Bayfront Billionaires)
“In an arousing way.” Jax cut right to the chase.
Lily gasped. And the fire in her eyes overpowered the uncertainty, spiking the testosterone coursing through Jax’s veins.
Trying to maintain an even tone, not let his own excitement skew this delicate matter, he carefully admitted, “You need to know all of this up front.”
Neither he nor Lex said anything further. Let her process their request and the very clear revelation of their mutual interest in her.
Jax suspected it was the best way to acclimate her to the situation—to the notion that he and Lex both desired her.
A three-way fascination could be an extremely tricky scenario, if all parties weren’t fully on the up-and-up. On the same page.
Eventually, Lex offered, “Technically, you’re on the clock in the evenings. So that presents a moral dilemma to consider. But mostly, we’d like you to sit. Listen. Absorb the music.”
“Why would that present a moral dilemma?”
Lex stood and closed the gap between him and Lily. He took one of her slender hands in his and earnestly said, “Because I don’t think Jax and I are the only ones aroused.”
Her mouth worked as though she were at a loss for words. But Jax didn’t believe that was truly the case—she’d flirted with him at the party, as a matter of fact. It was likely them openly discussing this subject that threw her for a loop.
Jax said, “Let us admire the sight of you, Lily. The smell of that intoxicating perfume. The effect of your responsiveness to our music.”
“But . . . what . . . ? I mean . . . I don’t mind being your muse. I’m flattered, of course. Yet this job is really important to me. I need it, as I told you already. So what happens if the inspiration suddenly flies out the window?”
There was a hint of panic in her voice.
“You’re not going to lose your job, Lily,” Lex assured her. “There’s some gray area here, obviously. A little bending of employer–employee rules. But for one thing, no lines have been crossed, other than for me and Jax to lay our cards on the table. To tell you what it is we want from you.”
“Just to . . . admire me?”
“At the moment, yes,” Jax said. And didn’t miss the hitch in her breath. The quivering at the corners of her mouth that just might reveal a smile if she’d let her guard down a bit more.
Yet she was clearly concerned about her position in the mansion. It wasn’t at risk, and they’d do whatever they had to in order to convince her of that. But it wouldn’t be a secret that neither man intended to temper his desire for her if she truly was as sexually charged by them as they were by her.
Jax and Lex hadn’t actually discussed between themselves a ménage scenario with Lily. Just the muse one. But given their past propensity for threesomes, the possibility certainly existed. If it was something Lily was amenable to.
Jax felt they’d planted the seed. Not gone overboard with anything, given that this was all new and she really just needed to let everything they’d said simmer in the back of her head.
Lex’s train of thought evidently ran the same track, because he led Lily back to the armless chair she’d occupied previously. She sat, still looking a little confounded.
Lex squeezed her hand and said, “This in no way puts your job in jeopardy, Lily. Just relax and let us soak in the beauty of you. The effervescence that exudes from you.”
Her forehead crinkled as she inquired, “Effervescence?”
“Yes. You radiate a certain energy that’s very exciting and . . . alluring. Just make yourself comfortable and let Jax and me play some more.”
She nodded. “If you really think this helps.”
Jax grinned. “We’ve already come to that conclusion.”
Chapter Six
Lily dressed in her uniform every morning, hair in a tight bun, and then served Jax and Lex brunch at their location of choice, either on one of the many patios or on the terrace off the music room. She went about her duties while they worked on the sheet music. Then she changed, let her hair down, and slipped into an evening gown for their late-night practice sessions.
She did exactly as they requested, attending to them when needed, but also sitting quietly, getting lost in the compositions and their creative process.
Occasionally the two men went out for dinner and drinks with friends, but she could see with each passing day that they were determined to improve upon what they’d already built. And Lily admired and respected their dedication and commitment to perfecting each arrangement.
It wasn’t just that she was lusting after both men—which was incredibly difficult to contain when she was still trying to be professional—she also genuinely adored Lex and Jax. Liked them more and more as she got to know them better. She was privy to their confidential discussions and she found their international travels enthralling, their views worldly and intelligent, and their philanthropic efforts generous.