Page 17 of Deadly Attraction
“I can’t explain it,” she repeated. “I’m sure you can’t either.”
“Yes, actually, I can.” Despite his better judgment, he reached for her and gently coaxed her toward him. His head dipped and his lips brushed over hers. A whisper of a kiss that made her gasp. And that caused his cock to immediately swell in the crotch of his leather pants. “What bothers you most?” he asked as she tensed in his loose embrace. “The fact I pulled you into my arms or that you willingly came?”
She stared up at him, myriad emotions swirling in her bright blue eyes. “I don’t know,” she said, breathless. “I don’t understand what happened last night. How…real…it felt.”
“Perhaps that was because we both wanted it. We wanted each other.”
“But I didn’t even know you at the time. I’d never seen you before.”
“And yet I commanded your passion in a way Michael never has. Am I correct?”
Her eyelids fluttered closed. Likely so he couldn’t see the flicker of lust in them—an easy assumption to make because her body relaxed against him and she let out a long sigh.
His lips grazed her temple, and he muttered, “I can’t have you in reality. That dream was the only intimate connection I can ever make with you.” A notion that disturbed him greatly, especially as his gut twisted and his groin tightened. But he couldn’t give in to the desire she so easily evoked.
Rather, he released her and stepped away.
Her eyes opened and she stared up at him. “You won’t invade my mind again, will you? Not with another fantasy?” Disappointment tinged her provocative voice.
“No.” He found it a torturous confirmation to make, so he changed the subject. “If you won’t allow the protection of the castle walls, then I’ll have Morgan, the general of my army, escort you to your cottage. I only ask one thing of you. Stay there until we’ve discovered your hunter.”
She opened her mouth, to protest no doubt, but he silenced her with a stern look.
“It won’t take long, I promise you, now that we have an idea of what we’re up against. Just stay put, Jade. Can you do that?” He was certain his expression was a compelling one.
Taking him aback, she reached out a hand and swept her thumb over the dip between his brows, which he’d felt crease with his consternation and concern for her well-being.
“You want to help me? A human?”
“Yes,” he said in a low tone, his body tightening further at her delicate touch. “If you’ll let me.”
Her hand fell away. With another sigh, she told him, “I will do as you ask. But only for a few days. I work with Michael at the tavern and I don’t want to leave him stranded for long.”
“Very well. We’ll make sure we’re expeditious in our pursuit.” He moved away from her and retrieved the cloak. Handing it over, he said, “You’ll need this on the way back to the meeting hall. It’s snowing again.”
She gazed out the window and then at the garment. With a slight shake
of her head, she said, “That’s much too personal and people will take note.” Squaring her shoulders, she added, “You are the Demon King, after all. Try not to forget it.” She winked at him, despite the tension that had lingered between them.
He liked how her impulsive jest lightened the mood. “Nice to see you have a sense of humor.”
“It’s not all doom and gloom being a human. We have roses and sunshine from time to time too. Just like you.”
Pulling open the door of the library, he gestured for her to precede him. He trailed behind her on the sidewalk, wondering how he’d go back to maintaining his distance when it came to this woman. Their mental encounter had felt remarkably real to him as well, and now that he’d spoken with Jade and had kissed her lips in reality, he was more captivated by her than before.
Truly an inconceivable and reckless predicament to find himself in. Yet here he was, swearing protection, willing to take on any demon fathomable in order to keep her safe.
A human. A mortal. A woman he could never have. Except for that one time in the fantasy they’d shared. And holy hell had his climax been an explosive one as he’d reveled in her heat and her tight, wet depths. He could recall every sensation his mind had conjured, even now. Her soft skin against his. Their arms and legs entwined. Her sexy moans and the way she’d moved with him and had arched her back to keep their bodies sealed.
A low grunt fell from his lips.
Glancing over her shoulder, she asked, “Something wrong?”
“No.” He rolled his eyes. “Yes. But…no.”
She gave him a look that made him believe she knew exactly what he was thinking. Then she returned her attention to the lightly populated walkway. The sideways glances they received from the villagers were of sheer relief. The Demon King had not harmed the human. Great. He was a monster in everyone’s eyes.
Though, perhaps not in Jade’s…?