Page 75 of Deadly Attraction
As they moved together in a sensual rhythm, her arousal was heightened not just from the way he touched her and loved her but also from the fact he seemed so swept away by her.
Threading her fingers through his hair, she said, “Everything about you causes my heart to pound wildly. Sometimes I feel as if it’s going to burst from my chest.”
He groaned. “More pain inflicted because of me.”
She sighed. “Metaphorically speaking, of course. Stop being so sensitive.”
“Difficult to do. I’m in love, remember?”
“Still? I thought you’d get over that silly human emotion.”
He nipped playfully at her throat. “Have you?”
“Of course not. I am a silly human.”
He surprised her with a not-so-romantic snort. “Hardly. And for the record, no I haven’t—nor will I—get over it. Now,” he said as one hand moved between her legs and his thumb rubbed her clit. “Stop talking and let me make you come.”
It didn’t take much effort on his part. With his cock filling her and his thumb expertly working that swollen knot of nerves, erotic sensations swelled within her. He continued to kiss her neck, and roll and pinch her nipple as her hips rocked against him. Her soft whimpers mingled with his occasional groans. She clung to him, her fingers twined in his silky hair.
Maybe she really did like living on the edge, because everything about her demon lover drove her crazy with desire.
The hand on her breast slipped around to her backside. His finger circled her anus and then dipped inside as his wide shaft continued to stroke her inner walls and he rubbed her clit.
Jade let out a sharp cry of pleasure. The man’s talents knew no bounds. Her head fell forward and her arm around his neck tightened.
“You so easily unravel everything inside me,” she said against strands of his hair.
He worked her a bit harder from three different angles and, moments later, tension gripped her body and then shattered as she climaxed.
“Darien,” she whispered against his temple. Her pussy throbbed and her breath came in ragged pulls. She squeezed him tight and he let out a low, sexy growl. Then his body tightened before it convulsed. His cock surged as he came inside her. She clutched him as they both reveled in the powerful release.
Jade trembled and her pulse raced. The tingly feeling along her flesh and against all her erogenous zones made her feel vibrant and alive. Human sensations she knew to cherish. Euphoria flowed through her, which brought on a curious bout of the giggles.
Darien pulled slightly away, his brow crooked. “I’ve amused you?”
She laughed heartily. “No. I can’t help but think what a paradox this is.”
“How so?”
“In the presence of a demon, I feel more human than I have in fifteen years. Not numb and gloomy but…fantastically alive.”
“Oh good. So no more talk about death and how it’s the natural progression and all that.”
Despite the rather somber and morbid topic, she grinned. “I still contend that’s the realistic view even you have to face. Because someday I will die. But until then…” She kissed him, not needing to say more.
He fell back against the pillows in the corner of the sofa, bringing her with him. His fingers swept through her hair and he mumbled against her lips, “The overarching issue is that you’re telling me you like how I make you feel, yes?”
“Oh God yes. So much.” She added, “I’ve spent so many years just going through the motions, without letting anything register too deeply. But I have to admit, all of this warmth and exuberance inside me is a nice change of pace.”
He said, “But it hasn’t been easy. The fire wraith, your conflict with Michael, the fact we live in two different worlds, despite being only five miles apart distance-wise…”
“We live in the same world,” she corrected him. “You’ve gotten a good look at what it’s like to be human in this village. You and Sheena have both brought me luxuries I don’t have access to or can’t afford because I live outside the castle walls. But you can’t honestly tell me you haven’t given consideration to the fact that I’m not the only mortal who might enjoy a little variety versus the plain gray that fills all aspects of our lives?”
His gaze narrowed on her. “Are you suggesting I have a soft spot?”
She mimicked the gesture. “Are you going to lie to me and tell me you don’t?”
He huffed.