Page 19 of A Dash of Spice
“Absolutely fantastic.”
“Anything else going on in your life that I should know about?”
His mother spared a glance over her shoulder and down the corridor where Ciara was herding the guests into the dining room. Then she gazed up at Scout.
He said, “She doesn’t gossip anymore than I do.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that.”
“I noticed you have your own skating rink. On your finger.”
She sighed. “I suppose now is as good a time as any to tell you that I’m seeing someone.”
His brow jerked up. “Seeing someone? Very mildly put, Mother.”
“I know, I’m sorry. It’s big news. But your brothers don’t know yet.”
“Mum’s the word. Who’s the guy?”
She gave an awkward little shrug, but her eyes lit up. Scout had a feeling he wasn’t going to be overly whippy about whomever his mother was planning to keep permanent company with.
“Spill,” he coaxed.
She nodded. Said, “It’s Henry Venti. We’ve been dating for some time now, I just wasn’t ready to—”
“Mother,” Scout cut her off as his gut coiled. “Not Henry.”
“Oh, sweetheart. Just wait. Listen.” She flatted a palm against his upper arm. “Henry has changed. I know his reputation with women isn’t the best, but that’s all in the past. He’s a very warm and considerate man. And we didn’t jump into anything lightly or foolishly. We took our time getting to know each other better and we’re very serious about our relationship. Very serious.”
Scout had to rope in protective emotions. His mother had been wrecked once by a man. Scout didn’t want to see it happen again.
She told him, “Honestly, I know exactly what I’m doing. And I plan to share the news with JT and Hamilton when we’re all up at the cabin in a couple of days. Ciara is coming for Thanksgiving dinner, right? Following the reenactment in the morning?”
“Way to change the subject.” He smirked. “Very smooth, Mom.”
With a coy grin, she said, “I’m a little more interested in what’s going on with you two than in discussing Henry. We’ll talk about that later. When we’re all together.”
“I’ll invite her up. I’m sure she’ll be happy—and thankful—to have a big family gathering for her favorite holiday.”
“Wonderful.” His mother’s tension visibly eased. “Now, let’s get into the dining room before Ciara has to come looking for us. I don’t want to spoil a second of her grand evening.”
They joined the others and Scout took the seat next to Ciara. The food was sensational, the decorations were marveled over and all in all, Scout was damn proud of the effort she’d expended—and how amazing everything turned out. How amazing she was.
Unfortunately for Scout, the night ran late and there was a lot of clean-up work. Ciara shooed him from the house so she and the ladies could tidy up and repack everything for storage in the outbuilding and Henry’s people could break down the buffet stations and load their vans.
More than anything, Scout wanted to climb into bed with Ciara and hold her close. Feel her warm, soft body next to his. But they made plans to see each other the following evening. Football here at the house. Alone. Just the two of them. No interruptions.
He couldn’t wait.
Chapter Six
The doorbell rang and Ciara jumped up from one of the sofas in one of the living rooms and raced down the hallway to the front door. Thank God there was only one main entryway to the mammoth house.
She slowed as she approached. Tried to breathe normally.
A little too eager beaver to see Scout?