Page 1 of Giant of Mesabi
Chapter One
THE PLANE'S SHADOW skimmed across the treetops. Within the pine forest, the blue of a Minnesota lake winked briefly in the sunlight. A ribbon of concrete ahead beckoned to the plane's shadow.
Inside, Alanna Powell gazed eagerly out the window, her heart quickening as the airport's terminal building came into view. Tawny blond hair framed the fresh-scrubbed beauty of her face. Her pointed chin had a willful thrust, and the sparkling light in her violet eyes, her most outstanding feature, revealed a flashing spirit. Yet her finely-shaped lips displayed a hint of vulnerability.
There was a slight jar as the plane's wheels touched and rolled on the runway. Alanna pressed her lips together, absently checking the freshness of her lipstick. Futilely she searched the terminal for a glimpse of Kurt, knowing it would only be the sheerest luck if she saw him from here.
A tightness gripped her throat. What if Kurt wasn't there to meet her? With an almost imperceptible movement of her head, Alanna shook away the thought. When she had phoned him yesterday to say she would be on this flight from Minneapolis, he had agreed to meet the plane without hesitation. He hadn't even waited for her explanation that she wanted to surprise her parents.
It was crazy to be so apprehensive, she told herself. But, her mouth twisted wryly, that was what love did to a person. She hadn't seen Kurt since the Easter break almost two months ago. He had made it plain that he was attracted to her then, but so much could have happened since then.
The plane rolled to a stop at its terminus of the Chisholm-Hibbing airport. Unfastening her seat belt, Alanna rose to join the file of passengers disembarking. A fluttering hand moved down from the waistband of her wheat tan skirt. Her fingers unconsciously checked to make sure the buttons down the front were securely fastened, except for the last two above the knee that let the hem flap to reveal her shapely legs and hint at the smoothness of her thigh.
There was no sign of Kurt among the group, of people gathered to meet the arriving passengers. A glance at her watch verified that the plane was on schedule. Perhaps he had been delayed. Her steps slowed as she scanned the area.
A familiar male figure was bent over a drinking fountain, and Alanna's heart leaped in joyous relief. All her fears vanished in that instant of recognition.
"Kurt!" She laughed his name, her heels barely touching the floor as she ran to him. "I thought you'd forgotten about me!" As he straightened and turned, she started to fling herself into his arms with uninhibited happiness. A half step away from the broad chest, she realized her mistake. "You!" Anger and astonishment mingled in the accusing pronoun.
Her retreat was cut off by the iron circle of his arms curving around her waist. "Don't stop now," he said, and the faintly cruel line of his mouth twisted into a cynical smile. "If I'm going to stand in for my brother, I might as well receive his kiss, too."
"No!" The strangled denial was wasted breath.
A large hand slid up her spine to twine its fingers in her tawny hair, tugging at the tender roots to force her head back. Her hands strained uselessly against the looming muscular chest while the lower half of her body was crushed against the granite hardness of his.
Alanna couldn't escape the descending mouth or the steel band of his embrace. She had not even time to stiffen in resistance to his invasion as he kissed her with hard, slow pleasure, taking advantage of her momentary paralysis of disbelief.
In the next second, she was released. A pair of blue eyes, a deep shade of indigo, glittered over the vivid flush in her cheeks. A rush of anger flamed within her, the exhilaration of battle flashing through her
nerve ends.
"How dare you!" she breathed tightly.
Half-closed eyes surveyed her indignant stand, a thick screen of dark, masculine lashes veiling their expression. A smile without humor curved the mouth that had only seconds ago bruisingly possessed hers.
"Give me your claim tickets and I'll get your luggage. I suggest you wait until we're in the car to unleash your temper and wounded outrage." His gaze flicked around them to indicate the public surroundings.
Her poise was already shaken, and the trace of mockery in his tone didn't do anything to restore it. Indeed, calling attention to their mildly interested audience worsened it. Seething inwardly, Alanna fumbled through her purse for her airline ticket and the baggage checks attached to it. With rigid control, she thrust the papers into his outstretched hand.
How could she have been so blind not to that it wasn't Kurt but his brother, Rolt Matthews, Alanna railed silently. There were surface similarities between the two. Both were tall and dark with leanly muscled physiques. But only a fool would mistake Rolt for Kurt.
Her gaze fastened in a violent glare on the arrogant set of Rolt's shoulders as he walked away from her. He was taller than Kurt by an inch or two, with a catlike fluidity to his easy strides. His dark brown hair was the shade of coffee, shot with a golden hue in the sunlight, not bordering on brown-black as Kurt's was. It grew long and thick about his collar, brushed carelessly away from his face.
Their facial, features were another dissimilarity. The sun-bronzed planes of Rolt's face held a quality of ruthlessness. The carved lines around his mouth were etched with cynicism. Overstamping it all was a rakish air of virility, blatant and overpowering, a dominant force that demanded to be reckoned with.
Rolt Matthews was of the dark world and Kurt was of the day. Handsome and charming, Kurt was the antithesis of his older brother. Alanna had been drawn to him since their first meeting nearly five years ago when she had been fifteen. Yet it was only this Easter that Kurt had taken any notice of her and the attraction she had always felt was able to blossom.
Her lips trembled, tender from the hard mastery of Rolt's kiss. She had never had any time for Rolt Matthews. As surely as she had been drawn to Kurt, she had been repelled by Rolt. Whenever his gaze rested on her, so startlingly blue with its enigmatic glitter, she was uncomfortable. His hooded looks with their trace of mockery disconcerted Alanna more than she cared to admit. Yet Rolt seemed to know it and found amusement in her unease.
That was why he had kissed her, she guessed. Her fingers clenched the clasp of her purse, the metal as hard and unyielding as his chest had been beneath her hands. Her flesh burned where it had been in contact with the male length of him.
During Easter, she had made no secret of her attraction to Kurt. There had been no need, since he returned it. Always when Rolt had been around, which fortunately was seldom, he had watched them with aloof interest, leaving Alanna with the impression that he found their relationship amusing and somehow juvenile.
Juvenile. Alanna breathed in sharply at the word. Heavens, Kurt was twenty-nine, she was twenty-one. They were adults, not a pair of infatuated teenagers as Rolt seemed to regard them. No doubt his five-year advantage caused him to look down on his brother. If the odd bits of gossip were accurate, Rolt's considerably broader and more intimate associations with women probably made him regard their budding romance with a cynical eye.
The approach of firm, purposeful strides aroused Alanna from her inward reflection. Her gaze bounced away from the male figure, effortlessly carrying her heavy luggage. Rolt paused for an instant beside her, his alert gaze sweeping over the profile she presented to him.
"My car is parked in the lot outside," he stated. "Shall we go?"
"The sooner the better," Alanna agreed briskly.
There was a mocking tilt of his head to indicate that she should precede him. The glint in his indigo eyes told her that he knew how much she disliked him and found it amusing. With a haughty sweep of her head, Alanna walked out of the building, only to have to wait for Rolt to point out his car. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him she would find her own way to her parents.
Yet such an action bordered on cowardice, since it indicated that she might be slightly intimidated by his presence.
Stacking her luggage at the rear of a black Mark V, Rolt unlocked the passenger door and reached in to push the trunk button before stepping aside. There was no way Alanna could avoid the strong fingers that clasped her elbow and helped her into the car. The instant the door was closed, she rubbed away the hard imprint. When the luggage was safely stowed in the trunk, Rolt slid behind the wheel.
Loath as she was to break the silence, Alanna knew she would not be able to sit quietly until she had learned why Kurt had not met her. Something told her that Rolt was not going to volunteer the information.
Glancing at his aloof profile out of the corner of her eye, she felt a surge of violent emotion rise inside. He was so self-assured and blandly indifferent to everything except his own desires.
"Why wasn't Kurt able to meet me?" she demanded finally.
His gaze flicked briefly to her, masked and unrevealing. He started the motor and reversed the car out of the parking lot. "There was a breakdown of some equipment at the plant and he was unavoidably detained. An emergency."
The answer was too glib. Alanna guessed it was meant to be, but she couldn't keep from rising to the bait. "Obviously it wasn't so great an emergency that you were detained."
There was a movement of his mouth in what should have been a smile, but other than that, Rolt made no verbal acknowledgment of her comment. His attention remained focused on the road as he pulled into the traffic.
"I don't suppose it occurred to you to handle the emergency in Kurt's place and leave him free to meet me." She compressed her lips tightly, anticipating the answer before he gave it.
"It occurred to me." Again his gaze swung to her for fleeting seconds, lingering suggestively on her glistening lips before returning to the highway. And again there was that mirthless curve of his mouth that was somehow cold and foreboding. "But I would have been denying myself our meeting."
"Why?" Her temper flared at his unnecessary reminder of the kiss he had taken. "It wasn't a pleasant meeting."
"Perhaps not." The wide shoulders lifted in gesture of unconcern for her reaction. "But it's one that isn't easily forgotten."