Page 26 of Giant of Mesabi
His gaze slid pointedly to the masculine hand resting possessively on the curve of her waist. Alanna hadn't been conscious of its silent support until that moment. As she moved forward to elude it, Kurt turned to leave.
"No, Kurt, wait!" She hurried after him. "Let me explain, please!"
He stopped, turning-slightly. The icy disdain in his blue eyes checked the hand she held extended to touch him, freezing it in mid-air.
"Explain what?" he demanded coldly. "That you're a liar and a cheat? I know that already! I only hope that my brother is aware of what a two-timing witch you are!"
Alanna recoiled as if he had slapped her. The words died in her throat. She stared at the floor, listening to Kurt's footsteps as he walked away. When not even their echo could be heard, she turned. She felt frozen and knew it was shock that numbed her.
Rolt was still standing beside the sofa. His alert gaze was watching her, yet not betraying a flicker of his thoughts. She lifted her chin a fraction, wide, pain-filled eyes meeting his look.
"You arrayed for Kurt to come here tonight, didn't you?" she accused in an emotionless voice.
"Why?" There was a slight break in her bland voice.
"I thought it would be the best way for him to find out you were going to marry me. It was a harsh way, but the best way in the end," Rolt said with remarkable unconcern.
"I'm going to marry you," she said. "You've succeeded in that goal." She walked to him, standing motionless as he gazed down at her.
"I'll keep my word about heaping your father."
"You'd better savor this moment," Alanna warned him coldly. "You have what you want, but I don't think you'll want it once it's really yours."
His brow flicked upward. "Which means?" he prompted dryly.
"Which means that I intend to make your life as miserable as you've made mine," she stated. "I will marry you, Rolt, but I'll make you pay for the rest of your life for what you did here tonight. You'll regret making me your wife."
Rolt looked at her for a long moment, then turned away. He didn't seem at all concerned about her prediction. "Get your bag. It's time we informed your parents of the glad tidings."
Chapter Six
THE BLACK MARK V followed Alanna's car like an ominous, dark shadow, Alanna wouldn't let herself think about what she'd done. There would be time enough for regrets and self-recrimination later. With her mind blank, mechanical reflexes guided her car into the driveway. Rolt was only seconds behind her.
Alanna stood beside her car, waiting for him to join her before entering the house. As he walked toward her with effortless, long strides, his forcefully masculine features were thrown into sharp relief by the angle of light from the setting sun.
Suddenly she could feel the hard length of his body molded against hers and the betraying clamoring of her senses in response. With a brief shake of her head, she chased the unnerving sensation away. This physical attraction was the one thing she must guard against at all costs.
"Shall we go in?" She anticipated an affirmative answer to her stiff inquiry and turned toward the house.
"In a minute," His had gripped her elbow to detain her, but immediately she jerked it free. "That's something you can't do when we're inside, Alanna," Rolt reminded her mockingly. "We're supposed to be madly in love. Isn't that what you want your parents to believe?"
"We're not inside yet," she said icily, and started again toward the house.
This time he didn't detain her, but followed a step behind. When his arm reached around her for the doorknob, Alann
a paused, waiting for him to open the door. Instead she found herself suddenly trapped between Rolt and the door. Her head jerked upward to remind him scathingly that they were not in the house, but the words never had a chance to leave her lips
With the graceful and deadly accurate swoop of an eagle, his mouth closed over hers. For a fleeting second Alanna was immobilized by searing surprise. When she would have twisted away from his hand kiss, he was already releasing her. She was so angry at herself for being caught unaware—and at him for taking advantage of it—that she couldn't speak.
The door opened under his hand. "We can go in now." He smiled arrogantly down at her and added,
"Now that there's a sparkle in your eye and a rather becoming blush to your cheeks. We can't be meeting your parents with you looking as if you've agreed to marry the hangman."
"It's much worse. I'm going to marry you," she hissed.
The taunting softness of his laughter heightened the pink in her cheeks as he followed her into the house. Knowing he was right didn't ease her anger. She must put on an act for her parents. She didn't want them suspecting that she had any motive other than love for marrying Rolt.