Page 104 of Well Played
Tanner looked at me after Alex ran into the house. “How do you like your swing?”
“It looks great. Thanks for doing that.”
“I knocked on your door last night to tell you it was done, but you didn’t answer.”
“I guess I conked out pretty early.”
Tanner nodded. He seemed to study my face for a minute. “You okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
He held my eyes. “You look a little swollen…like you’ve been crying or something.”
I looked away. “My allergies are just bad. Actually, I’m going to take a shower right now. The hot water and steam usually do a lot to help my sinuses.”
“Make it quick. I’m making those chocolate chip pancakes for all of us. They’re not just our boy’s favorite, they’re my big bro’s favorite, too.”
I tried in earnest not to frown, but gravity had my lips reaching for the floor. “I’m not really hungry. So don’t wait for me to eat.” I walked toward the door and looked back. “Thanks again for hanging the swing.”
Tanner winked. “My pleasure, sweetheart.”
Today it was apparently my turn to stay in my room. I guess maybe it was only fair considering Levi had done it all day yesterday. I’d seen his flight paperwork on the kitchen table when I’d grabbed coffee earlier, so I knew it wouldn’t be much longer before he would be heading to the airport. It was going to kill me not to say goodbye, but I couldn’t imagine how I could do that in front of everyone without bursting into tears. We’d made it this far without Tanner knowing anything had happened between us, so there was no reason to blow it now with an overly emotional goodbye. I just needed to keep to myself for a little while longer, and then it would all be over.
Well, it wouldn’t be over. Not in my heart anyway. Because you can’t just flip a switch and turn love off. But at least the risk of Tanner finding out would be minimal once Levi was gone.
I sat in my room and counted down the minutes with my heart ricocheting in my chest. Then my bedroom door suddenly burst open.
I jumped up from where I sat on the bed, and my hand covered my heart. “Alex, you scared the wits out of me! Remember our rule? We knock on any closed door, especially here at the inn.”
“Sorry, Mom. I just wanted to ask if it was okay if I went with Dad to drop Uncle Levi at the airport. Dad said I had to check with you to make sure you didn’t have anything else going on.”
I sighed. “That’s fine. Go ahead.”
Just like Tanner had done earlier, my son searched my face before his little one wrinkled. “Are you okay, Mommy?”
I smiled sadly. I hated lying to my son, even when it was for his own good. “I’m fine, honey. My allergies are just bothering me.”
He walked over and took my hand. “I’m sad Uncle Levi is leaving, too.”
I blinked a few times. “What?”
“When your allergies are bothering you, you sneeze all the time. I think you’re just sad like me that Uncle Levi is leaving. He’s fun to have around.”
I stroked my son’s cheek. He was such a perceptive little boy. “How about you and I take a ride to the beach tomorrow? Maybe we can get a hotel room for the night and spend two days surfing the waves in Myrtle Beach?”
My son fist pumped. “Can I get a new boogie board before we go?”
I smiled. “Of course.”
“Okay!” Alex squeezed my hand. He then started for the door, but stopped when he realized I wasn’t following. “Come on. Uncle Levi is packing the car. You need to say goodbye.”
“Ummm...” I couldn’t think of a way to avoid doing it, so I reluctantly nodded. “Okay.”
Out in the kitchen, Levi was putting his laptop into a backpack when we walked in. He looked up and, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought he was in as much pain as I was.
He smiled sadly. “Hey.”