Page 122 of Well Played
Could he turn Alex against me?
Shit, how is Alex gonna take the news?
When the elevator dinged on her floor, my palms started to sweat, and the thoughts circulating through my head began to leak out my mouth. I mumbled like a crazy person.
“Calm down, man.”
“You’ve played in Super Bowls without sweating.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
It was a good thing it was early and people weren’t around, or they’d run the other way seeing a man my size talking to himself.
When I got to Presley’s room, I took a deep breath before knocking lightly. And then I waited.
And waited.
When she didn’t come to the door after a few minutes, I assumed she must have still been sleeping. I hated to wake her, but I needed to talk to her before Tanner, and before I had to be at practice. So I knocked again, this time louder.
And waited.
And waited.
Then I knocked again. When she still didn’t answer, I started to get freaked out, and the craziest shit ran through my head.
What if Tanner got to her and did something?
What if she’s in there hurt?
So I banged on the door. “Presley? Alex? Are you in there?”
I still got no response, but the door to the adjoining room opened, and a pretty pissed-off looking guy walked out. He eyed me. “What the hell are you…” He blinked a few times. “Holy shit. You’re Levi Miller.”
I dragged a hand through my hair. “Yeah. Sorry to wake you. Have you seen the woman who was staying in this room?”
He nodded. “She was coming out when I walked in early this morning. I was out late.”
“Was she okay?”
The guy shrugged. “She looked okay to me.”
“Did she happen to say where she was going?”
“No. But she had her suitcases and stuff. And the little boy was carrying a bag, so I assumed she was checking out.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Maybe four thirty. An hour and a half ago?”
“Thanks.” I took off jogging down the hall.
“Wait! Can I have your autograph?”
“Another time!”
I ran to the elevator, uncertain of my next move. The last person to talk to Presley was my mother last night, and she was definitelynotan early riser. I called anyway.