Page 45 of Well Played
“Lower your voice,” I whispered.
“Let’s go outside,” my mother said as she started toward the door.
To make matters worse, Fern was in the hallway snickering as Mom and I made our way out to the yard.
I hoped Presley didn’t look out her window and get the impression we were talking smack about her.
Once outside, I faced my mother on the lawn. “What?”
“Youknowwhat.” She crossed her arms. “It’s obvious what’s going on here.”
“Nothingis going on, Mother. We were just having a little fun. You should want us to be getting along—for Alex’s sake.”
“Well, I’ll have you know your nephew isn’t stupid. If there’s something going on between you two, he’s going to figure it out. All he talked about last night is how you and she seem to be getting along now when all you used to do is fight.”
“So you’d rather we fight?”
“I’d rather you not sleep with the one woman you don’t have a right to.”
Anger built inside of me. I took a deep breath and composed myself. “With all due respect, that would be none of your business if itwerehappening, but it’s simplynot.Nothinghas happened with Presley. We’re just two stressed-out people, finally seeing eye to eye. We have a mutual respect for one another. And I’ll say it again: we were just having fun.”
She moved her head from side to side. “You know I suspected something weird when you asked me to make that peach cobbler.”
“That was just a nice gesture. It didn’t mean anything.”
Her eyes widened. “You mean to tell me you’re not attracted to her?”
I looked up at the window to make sure Presley wasn’t looking out. “Why does that even matter if we’re not involved?” I whispered.
“Your brother would flip.”
I raised my voice. “Really? Because he doesn’t give me the impression that he gives a shit about anything or anyone lately.”
“Trust me. This would most definitely wake him up. She left him, and now he’s gonna find out there’s something going on betweenyou two? You think that’s not gonna hurt him?”
Mom didn’t know the story behind why Presley and Tanner had ended things. She had no clue my brother had cheated. But I didn’t feel it was my place to share Presley’s business. However, given that my mother was still under the impression Presley had done Tanner wrong, her attitude wasn’t surprising.
Then she said, “And what’s this I heard from Harry the realtor—that you told him you’re putting a hold on plans to sell The Palm?”
“How the hell did you find out about that?”
“Ran into him last night at the market with Alex. He mentioned it.”
“He should’ve kept his big mouth shut. He’s probably just upset that he’s potentially gonna lose a commission.” I groaned. “Anyway, my plans aren’t canceled. They’re just…on hold.”
“I don’t think giving up that fight is a smart idea. Do you?”
“It’s not about the financial aspect. I’ve just been thinking about the impact selling would have on Presley and Alex. They like it here, and Presley really wants to revive the place. It’s like her…passion. I should at least give her a chance.”
Mom squinted. “And your feelings for her have nothing to do with that?”
I had two choices. I could lie, or not say anything at all. I chose the latter.
My mother proceeded to say one more thing to piss me off before she left.
“I have an appointment, but before I go, I just want you to think long and hard about the repercussions of getting too close to Presley. This isn’t some fling you can mess up like all the others. She’ll be in this family forever. If something were to happen, not only will you mess up things with your brother, but Alex too. All I’m asking is for you to think on that for a while.”
“I hear you, Mother,” I said, gritting my teeth.