Page 80 of Well Played
Presley: I am. You?
Levi: Okay is a relative term.
Presley: I’m sorry I got pressured into him staying here.
Levi: You did the right thing.
Presley: I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
Levi: The only thing making me feel uncomfortable now is the thought of him upsetting you.
Presley: I miss you. We were supposed to have our day together. Instead, I feel like the world turned upside down.
Before Levi could respond, a text from Tanner came through.
Tanner: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you letting me stay.
Before I could respond to Tanner, another text from Levi lit up my phone.
Levi: I wish I could come to your room right now. This fucking sucks.
And then a text from Tanner.
Tanner: You looked so beautiful tonight.
Then from Levi.
Levi: I need you tonight, Presley. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I know he’s my brother and I love him and you belonged to him first and all that…but I am feeling SO goddamn possessive right now.
Tanner: Seriously, Presley. I know my staying here isn’t easy for you.
My brain was spinning.
Levi: Are you there?
I shook my head and responded to Levi.
Presley: Yes. I’m here.
Tanner sent another message.
Tanner: I was hoping you could carve out some time to talk to me tomorrow. There’s a lot I need to say to you.
I responded to Tanner.
Presley: I’m not sure we have anything left to talk about.
But it was Levi who answered me.
Levi: What the hell are you saying?
I looked down and realized I’d sent that last text to the wrong brother.
Presley: I’m sorry. That was meant for Tanner.
Levi immediately messaged back.