Page 87 of Well Played
“What do we do?” Presley’s eyes bulged.
I held my finger to my lips and prayed Fern would respond when I spoke.
“Who is it?”
“Tanner. Can I come in?”
Shit.I closed my eyes. I wanted to tell him about Presley and me, but this was not the way it should go down. So I pointed to the bathroom and mouthed, “Go in there.”
Presley nodded and scurried in, quietly closing the door behind her. My heart raced like a runaway train as I walked to the door. A deep breath did nothing to compose myself, but if I took any longer, I’d definitely raise suspicions. So I opened the door and held onto it, blocking entry and hoping he’d take the hint.
Tanner looked over my shoulder. “Took you long enough. I was starting to think you had a woman in there and I was interrupting something.”
I swallowed. “Nope. I was about to jump in the shower.”
“Again? You just showered an hour or two ago.”
Crap.I shrugged. “Summer in South Carolina.”
“Yeah, I’m not used to the heat either. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you knew where the grilled-cheese makers for the campfire are. Alex told me you had them when you camped out for his birthday.”
“They’re in the cabinet in the garage.”
“Great, thanks.”
Tanner turned away, and I almost breathed a sigh of relief.Almost. But he turned back around.
“Do you happen to know where Presley is? I went to her room first, but she’s not there.”
I looked into my brother’s eyes. Did he know she was in here? Or was he sincerely asking a question? My nerves were frayed, and I couldn’t be sure one way or the other. So I answered as truthfully as I could, uncertain how well my face contained the lies.
“I’ve been in here since she left for the store.”
My brother nodded. “She mentioned she might go see her friend Katrina. But I’m wondering if maybe she’s seeing someone.”
“Why would you think that?”
He shook his head. “I don’t know. It just feels like something is in my way.”
I swallowed.
“You’d tell me if you knew she was with someone, right? Even if she asked you not to say anything? I mean bros before hoes and all.”
I studied his face.Did he know? I put the odds about even, because fuck if I had any idea. But I was in too deep now to go off script. So I nodded.
“Of course.”
He put his hand on my shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here. I miss having someone I can talk to.”
And thanks for slamming that last nail in on the coffin of my principles.I think it’s safe to lower them into the ground now.
“Yeah. Same.”
He waved. “I gotta get back to Alex. You have a good night.”