Page 99 of Well Played
She stopped walking for a moment and faced me. “After fighting me on it for some time, he finally gave in to my wishes for a divorce. But the truth was, neither of us truly fell out of love with the other.”
A memory of my parents kissing in our kitchen when I was a kid flashed through my mind. I always thought it was gross and ran out of the room. But knowing they were still in love after all that time gave me some comfort.
“This sort of gives me some solace,” I said. “Even though it’s bittersweet.”
She flashed a sad smile. “When Dad was dying, he told me his biggest regret was ever straying from me. I did believe he regretted entering into a relationship with that woman. Even though I’d been firm in my decision not to take him back, he felt like he hadn’t fought hard enough for us—that he could’ve done more to stop the divorce. Our dream had always been to retire and ride off into the sunset together. Our actual ending was certainly nothing either of us anticipated.”
“It breaks my heart that you guys couldn’t do that.”
Mom’s eyes glistened. “It breaks my heart too—that your father died with so much regret and that I played a role in that. If I’d known he was going to get sick and die of cancer a year later, I might’ve been more forgiving. You think you have endless time to work certain things out in life, but time is one thing that’s never guaranteed.”
I still wasn’t sure why she’d chosen to tell me all of this. “Something tells me you’re making a bigger point here than confessing the truth about you and Dad.”
“What happened with Dad and me reminds me a lot of what’s going on with Tanner and Presley. Your brother made some poor decisions, and now he’s trying to rectify them. He has a chance to do something Dad never could.”
Shit. Of course that’s what she was getting at—more evidence supporting the fact that I was the bad guy in all of this, preventing my brother from getting his family back. I knew letting him try was the right thing to do. That was never in question. It was the feeling that I physicallycouldn’tstay away from Presley that made doing the right thing seem impossible.
“I’m not minimizing the feelings you’ve developed for Presley,” my mother said. “But I think you need to look at the bigger picture here. Your career is not going to allow for a sustainable relationship with her anyway. And Tanner doesn’t look like he’s going to give up on getting his family back anytime soon—what with going for that coaching job here and all. But you also have to think about Presley, about the regretshemay feel when this honeymoon phase between you and her is over. You two had a summer together. Tanner and she have years of history—and a child.”
Yeah, Mother. Tell me something I don’t already know.
She placed her hand on my arm. “I know you probably feel like I’m not on your side in this. Please don’t feel that way. I feel like what’s best for them isalsowhat’s best for you. Dad’s story of regret should serve as a lesson on how you may feel someday when it comes to your brother. Moving in now that you know he’s trying to make things right would be a tremendous betrayal, Levi. I keep waffling on whether or not you should even tell him. I’m starting to think it’s best if he never finds out. But the longer you’re around Presley, the more likely it is that he will. I feel like you’re on the cusp of doing irreversible damage, and now is your only chance to stop before it’s too late.”
My chest hurt so badly, filled with emotion, thinking about my dad and brother. But what Mom just told me about my father pushed me over the edge. My stepping away would give Tanner the second chance Dad never had. I also believed my father would have given me the same advice as my mother. Was loving Presley worth hurting my entire family? Regardless of that answer, I knew I would be unable to resist her as long as we were physically together. The only thing that would end this was distance.
Suddenly burning up from the stress, I reached into my pocket for my keys. “I gotta go.”
My mother frowned. “Have I totally upset you?”
“No. I appreciate you sharing everything with me. It’s given me more to think about.”
She reached for me. “I love you so much, Levi. Please know that. And I’m so incredibly proud of you, despite seeming disappointed in your actions lately. I know you didn’t mean to hurt him. I can see the sadness in your eyes, and I wish I could take it away.”
“Thanks, Mom.” I hugged her tightly before finally walking to my car.
That night, I didn’t plan to return to The Palm Inn until after everyone went to bed. Instead, I hung out at a local bar, sitting alone while I pondered my next steps.
Around ten thirty, my phone rang—my agent, Rich Doherty.
“What’s up, Rich?” I answered.
“How much do you love me?”
“Depends on how much I’ve had to drink. And I think tonight might be your lucky night.”
“Get it all out of your system now, I suppose. I need you back in tip-top shape.”
“Well, I still have two weeks to drink myself into oblivion.”
“Actually, back to the question of how much you love me—what if I asked you to come back now?”
“Why the hell would I do that when I still have time off left in my contract?”
“Because the team asked me to reach out. We hoped out of the goodness of your heart, you’d have some sympathy for the new receivers who desperately need your expertise at training camp.”
“That’s not part of the deal, Rich.”