Page 37 of The Kristallis Baby
‘I don’t understand what’s in it for you,’ she said, still determined to show she wasn’t about to meekly accept whatever he told her.
‘It’s not about me,’ he replied. ‘As I just said—it’s about what is best for Danny.’
‘But how can it be good for him to be cared for by two people who don’t even like each other?’ she asked, bright spots of colour appearing on her cheeks as she spoke.
‘I don’t dislike you.’ He took a step closer to her and slipped his hand under her hair, which was still slightly damp from her shower. He pushed it back over her shoulder, feeling a shiver run through her.
‘It won’t be a proper marriage.’ She straightened her shoulders and met his eye boldly, but he knew she was thinking about what it would be like sharing a bed with him each and every night. ‘People will know.’
‘No one will know.’ His voice was so low it was almost a growl, and he knew the warning in his words was clear. ‘You will never do or say anything to reveal our arrangement. The purpose of our union is to protect Danny—so we will show the world that we are happily married.’
‘Even real marriages are not always happy.’ Carrie’s voice shrank to little more than a whisper, but she continued to match his gaze.
‘I don’t intend my marriage to be a battlefield. I won’t live that way,’ he said. ‘Be nice—or I may retract my offer.’
A spark of defiance flashed in her eyes at his provocative words, but Nik knew she had accepted the situation. Soon Carrie would be his—signed, sealed and delivered.
Carrie stared at the wedding band on her finger. The civil ceremony was over—she was Nik’s wife.
It was two weeks since he’d demanded they be married, and for Carrie that time had passed in a haze of exhaustion and disbelief. At first all her energy had gone into caring for Danny. Then, when he’d got better, she’d tried to talk to Nik—but he’d seemed to work all the time. She’d wanted to be certain that she couldn’t persuade him to change his mind, but he’d never been available. And now it was too late. They were husband and wife.
She watched the sunlight glinting off the gold ring, hardly able to believe she was married. Things had happened so quickly, and the only thing she’d had any say in was the choice of her wedding gown. It felt as if her life was totally out of her own control.
‘You look beautiful,’ Nik said, handing her a glass of champagne.
She glanced up in surprise and realised that they were alone. It was the first time since the day they’d made love. His eyes were intense as he met and held hers, and her heart started to beat faster.
‘Thank you.’ She knew her cheeks were colouring under his continuing gaze but she didn’t look away. They were married now—man and wife. Suddenly everything seemed different, and she felt the flutter of nerves deep inside her.
‘I believe there are ways we can make this work,’ he said, leaning close to her ear and letting his lips brush tantalisingly against the sensitive skin of her neck.
His warm breath whispered in her hair and she shivered with pleasure, her mind suddenly whirling with memories of Nik making love to her. She’d never imagined that it could be such a totally overwhelming experience—especially not her first time.
‘I want to lock the door and make love to you right now,’ he murmured, tracing his hand slowly down her spine in a way that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and hot liquid desire pool deep inside.
‘Wouldn’t they all know what we’re doing?’ Her voice was shaky as she replied, but a powerful feeling of excitement was building up within her as she let herself lean against his hard masculine form.
Her body was suddenly humming with anticipation, longing to enjoy the wonders of Nik’s lovemaking again. For the last two weeks she hadn’t been able to put thoughts of it out of her mind.
‘That wouldn’t matter. We’re married.’ He took her champagne glass away from her, then lifted his hands to gently cup her face. ‘But I have to go now.’
Carrie pulled back and stared at him in shock. Had he really just said he was going now?
‘I have pressing work commitments that I can’t ignore,’ Nik said.
‘But…but surely not today?’ Carrie gasped, feeling humiliated. She glanced out of the window as the unmistakable sound of an approaching helicopter filled the air.
‘It’s not what I would have wanted, but this is important.’ He turned away from her and strode to the door.
By the time he was out of the room Nik’s body was rigid with the effort needed not to turn back and seize her in his arms. He wanted to cancel his business meeting, even though he was in the final stages of an important acquisition he’d been working on for ever. Right now it seemed less important than taking Carrie to bed.
It wasn’t like him. He was a red-blooded male with a healthy appetite for women—but he’d always known when to put business before sex. Somehow Carrie had got under his skin, making him want to do things he wouldn’t normally do.
Five days later Nik had still not returned to the villa. Carrie sat on the tree-top balcony, feeding Danny his breakfast and wondered just what she’d got herself into.
Nik had said he wanted to be part of Danny’s life, that he wanted their marriage to appear normal—but he wasn’t here. What if he never returned? What if he simply left her locked up here, like a princess in a tower?