Page 43 of The Kristallis Baby
He pressed his hips down, his hard male flesh sliding smoothly into the place that was so desperately aching to be filled. Then he began to rock against her, pushing in and pulling out. He took it slowly at first, but each movement sent a delicious wave of pleasure rushing through her.
Carrie moaned and clung to his back, tilting her hips to bring them even closer. She heard his breath coming in short hot gasps that matched her own, each breath escaping in time with every powerful thrust. The intensity was building, his pace increasing. He pushed into her harder and faster, each movement filling her with pleasure.
Overwhelming sensations coursed through her. Her body was quivering, from the tips of her fingers to the ends of her toes. Incredible feelings spiralled within her, shimmering out from the glorious place where they were joined to the tingling peaks of her breasts.
Without breaking his rhythm Nik eased away slightly, allowing space for his hand to slip down between them. His thumb found her sensitive bud, caressed it lightly.
Carrie cried out. Her body splintered into a million points of pleasure that lifted her beyond anything she had ever imagined. Gasping and trembling, she clung to Nik.
A second later she heard him cry out too, shuddering and panting as he reached his explosive climax.
‘I’m glad I waited until I had time to spend with you properly,’ Nik murmured some time later, as he traced his fingers along her collarbone and leant over to dip his tongue gently into the hollow at the base of her throat.
Carrie smiled when he raised his head to look into her face. She lifted her hand and smoothed her palm against his cheek. Everything seemed different now, she thought, gazing lovingly into the face of the man with whom she had just shared the most magical experience.
A sense of intimacy still lingered between them, as if to prove the act of lovemaking had been more than just a physical experience. Her body glowed with the aftermath of his loving, but she also felt a powerful connection had been forged between them. Surely everything would turn out all right now? Surely they would be able to find a way forward that suited everyone?
‘It’s been a busy few weeks,’ Nik said, lying propped up on his side next to her, gently caressing the swell of her hip with his fingertips. ‘But I’ve worked hard to clear some space for us. There will be time to discuss all the issues you mentioned earlier.’
‘Thank you,’ Carrie said. She smiled with relief, believing he meant what he said. There was a lot on her mind, and she needed to know where she stood, but at that moment all she could think about was the feel of Nik’s fingers on her skin.
‘It’s important to me that you and Danny feel you belong here,’ he said, letting his hand slide upwards until he held her breast softly in his palm. ‘This is your home now, and you must have whatever you need.’
The glimmer in his eyes told her exactly what he thought she needed right then. And if that message wasn’t clear enough he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her.
The following morning Carrie was in fine spirits as she walked down the winding path to the cove below the villa. Nik was with her. He was pushing Danny’s buggy and they were all going to the beach together.
She’d made that same walk with Danny only yesterday, but now everything had changed. The sense of closeness she had felt with Nik the previous night was still there, wrapping her in a warm and comfortable glow. They’d all enjoyed breakfast together on the balcony, and for the first time she felt as if they were truly becoming a family.
‘Last night you said there were a lot of things you wanted to talk about.’ Nik flashed a smile at her as he spoke, and in the dappled shade under the olive trees he looked utterly gorgeous. He turned his attention back to pushing Danny safely over the uneven ground, but he inclined his head slightly, waiting for her response.
‘Yes, there were…I mean there are.’ Carrie gazed at him, suddenly finding it difficult to remember what had seemed so pressing the night before. Right then she just wanted to enjoy the moment, with Nik and Danny.
‘You mentioned that Danny needs friends his own age,’ Nik said. ‘I have several cousins with a number of young children.’
‘Oh,’ Carrie said, thrown slightly off her stride by the discovery that Danny apparently had a lot of Greek relatives.
‘But I thought it would be best if we spent some time together first—getting to know each other better before rushing into any family gatherings,’ Nik said. ‘Unless you think he needs contact with other children sooner?’
‘No, no.’ Carrie felt disproportionately relieved at Nik’s intention to wait. ‘Your plan not to rush into anything seems sensible.’
‘I know he’ll need other friends, too,’ Nik added with a smile. ‘Not just Kristallis children. We’ll look into it.’
‘Thank you,’ Carrie said, just as they turned the corner and arrived at the wrought-iron gate to the beach. The gate swung open without a squeak, and they walked through onto the silver pebble steps.
It was a beautiful Mediterranean day. The sea was a gorgeous peacock-blue beneath a cloudless sky, and the olive trees on the slopes that flanked the bay shimmered in the sunlight.
‘Let’s go down to the water,’ Nik said, lifting Danny out of his buggy and crunching off across the smooth pebbles.
Carrie followed along behind them, having difficulty keeping up with Nik’s long stride as Danny’s noisy enthusiasm drove him swiftly on towards the sea.
He stopped as he reached the strip of golden sand that edged the water and, kicking his shoes off, turned back to throw her a dazzling smile.
Carrie’s heart turned over and she stopped in her tracks. The warmth of his smile spread over her, sinking right into her soul, filling her with happiness. It felt so good just to be standing there—smiling back at him, gazing deeply into his blue eyes.
She’d never felt that way before. She’d never been so absurdly happy just to smile at someone. Never felt someone’s smile enfold her like a wonderful embrace.
The moment could have lasted for ever, but suddenly Danny made an unexpected lunge towards the water.