Page 2 of Romeo & Antoinette
“What?” demanded Marco. “That was good.”
“That was awful.”
It was. It sounded more like Lil Jon caught in a bear trap than the Godfather of Soul.
“Get outta here.”
“You get outta here.”
“Just wait. Sometime soon I’m gonna be rich and famous and you’ll be able to say, Oh I’ve known him forever. I’ve seen him perform live.”
“That was your performance?”
s it was. You owe me twenty bucks.”
“You’re charging us?”
“Of course. But that includes the friends and family discount.”
“I’ll wait for it to hit video.”
“You’ll see,” said Marco. “You’ll see.”
Then Romeo stopped short.
“What’s up?”
“It’s Perry.”
“Perry! Crazy nut job, won’t let it go, goth guy Perry…”
“That’s him?”
“Yeah. That’s him.”
“He looks more steampunk than goth,” suggested Benny.
“Does that matter?”
“No. I guess not.”
Romeo gathered them up and pushed them along. Away from Perry. In the opposite direction. “Come on. Let’s go. This way.”
“No, lets go talk to him,” said Marco, trying to get around Romeo. Marco, was never one to miss an opportunity to stir the pot.
“No. I’ve talked to him enough. Let’s just ditch him.”