Page 103 of Saving Savannah
“Good luck,” Roman whispered into my ear. He gave me a parting kiss on the neck that sent a shudder of excitement down the whole right side of
my body. “See you soon.”
It went on like this for the better part of what seemed like an hour, although with the blindfold on it was impossible to tell. I was passed back and forth between. Spun until dizzy and then fucked nearly senseless, in every nook and cranny of our cute little home.
Erik bent me over one of the machines in the laundry room. Zane took me in the coat closet. Roman screwed me standing up in the downstairs bath, nearly bringing me off until I was forced to take a guess.
I knew them too well, though. Over the past year of living and loving them, I knew every one of their tricks. We’d spent so much time in and out of bed that I’d memorized every curve of their hard, muscular bodies. I knew who like to thrust fast, who liked to go slow. Which one of them rotated their hips whenever grinding me deep, and always in counter-clockwise circles, too.
Eventually I was thrown over a hard shoulder and carried up the stairs, where I was made love to in all three bedrooms, one by one. The master suite was last. And according to the rules, automatically reserved for thirty minutes to the winner of the contest; the guy who could actually fool me into thinking he was someone else.
Only that never happened.
By the time the blindfold came off, I was throbbing with the need to come. The guys were even more desperate to get their rocks off, standing around me with three iron-like spikes pointed straight at my naked body.
“We all win?” I suggested, squinting at the sudden lack of darkness.
Roman shook his head and laughed. Zane’s hands were already on my body, cupping my ass and squeezing with urgency.
“Works for us,” smirked Erik.
It had been nearly twelve months now. One long, blissful year. I found it almost unbelievable that I’d come here last fall with nothing, and built up what I had today. A home. A business. A loving family, because when it came down to it, we really couldn’t be called anything else.
God, it all seemed like a lifetime ago.
They opened the double doors, and ushered me eagerly into the master bedroom. Candles had been lit in advance. The bed was strewn with the softest comforter and fluffiest pillows, that would feel absolutely perfect beneath my naked skin.
I knew, because I was the one who’d picked them out.
“So who goes first?” I heard Zane ask.
“You all do,” I murmured, crossing the distance to the bed. “I want all three of you… at the same time.”
I climbed up on all fours, my backside to them. Sighing happily, I lowered my face to the nearest pillow and wriggled my ass back and forth enticingly.
“I don’t care who goes where,” I smiled back over my shoulder. “But please… help a girl out?”
One by one they approached, getting into position. They knew exactly what I wanted. We’d discovered it only a few weeks after moving in, when I admitted to them, one very tipsy, extremely horny night.
Zane took me with a swelteringly hot kiss, sliding beneath me as I sank down on his cock. I bounced up and down on it a few times, to get used to its girth. When I was satisfied, I felt Erik’s hands go to my hips. They slid gently downward as I kept fucking his friend, finally settling on either side of my ass.
“Go slow…” I warned needlessly.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Ma’am?” I chuckled, enjoying the echoes of our past “I’ll tell you what. Start calling me Savannah and I’ll start calling you…”
“One of your three gorgeous boyfriends,” Erik answered, guiding himself home. “More specifically, the one going right up your hot little ass.”
Spreading one hand on my back he pushed me gently forward, slipping into my already-full pussy with a shuddering groan. A minute later he was fucking me right alongside Zane, the two of them occupying that same gloriously drenched space. Stretching me wonderfully with both their cocks, until my eyes crossed with pleasure.
We’d done this so many times by now. But no matter how many times they doubled up on me, every thrust felt just as good as the first.