Page 105 of Saving Savannah
“I might be making an excuse though,” he added. “For my early… exit.”
Grinning like a devil, I lowered my head until we were face to face. My hair tickled both sides of his cheeks.
“Are you saying you wanna come baby?”
“Want to? No,” Zane breathed. “Going to?” His lust-fueled expression was strained. “Well, that’s another story.”
I bore down on him harder, even as Erik pumped me from behind. At the bottom of every thrust I started rolling my hips.
“Hey, now that’s not fair…”
I laughed, and my laughter felt good. I kept on doing it. Fucking, pumping, sucking… doing my best to bring him off. I figured I’d teased them all long enough. Besides, having one or more of my lovers erupt inside me was one of the things that generally pushed me over the edge.
“There are still places in the house we haven’t done it yet,” Zane warned. “You know that right?”
“I know,” I smiled.
“I mean the garage, for one. And there’s always the shower—”
“The shower’s already been spoken for,” said Roman, matter of factly. “Now if you’re going to shoot, shoot already. Because as good as this mouth feels,” he said, stroking my chin as I continued blowing him, “I’m dying to get in there next.”
A beautiful new house. Three incredible, loving boyfriends. And if I had my way… three future husbands, so we could take care of each other forever.
Because oh yeah, we’d had that conversation too.
I let go of everything, clearing my mind. Letting my body tell the story of my inevitable, upcoming climax, which was shaping up to be the mother of all orgasms.
I had freedom. I had love. But I had two other things I’d never had before:
A family.
And a future.
“I love you,” I whispered to no one in particular, over and over like a mantra. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
My hips rolled. My body went rigid, squeezing them tight.
MY GOD I fucking love you…
My eyes screwed shut. Everything inside me seemed to implode temporarily and then rush immediately outward, exploding in wave after wave of white hot euphoria.
I love them, I thought finally, as my orgasm swept over me. Instinct took over.
My last thought faded into a smile, as my climax obliterated everything else.
Need more Reverse Harem?
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And for even more sweltering reverse harem heat? Check out: Unconventional - A Reverse Harem Love Story. Below you’ll find a preview of the sexy, sizzling cover, plus the first several chapters so you can see for yourself:
Chapter One