Page 101 of The Arrangement
“Trust fund baby,” I laughed. But he wasn’t laughing. “Sorry.”
“Nah. It’s fine.”
Nathan dragged one hand through his lion-like mane of hair. It was so thick it bounced back immediately.
“It’s good this happened,” he finished. “It happened fast and all at once, but that’s fine. Ripping off a band-aid is like that too.”
Word by word, I went over the conversation with my parents one more time. It had to happen eventually, the voice in my head reasoned. Maybe it’s best it happened sooner, rather than later.
Nathan placed his hands over mine. They looked incredibly strong. Impossibly tan.
“We’ll get through this, surfer girl.” He gave me his brightest, most incorrigible smile. “I promise.”
I gave him one of my trademark smirk-sighs. “Cross your heart?”
“I’ll cross whatever you want,” he winked. “So will the others. In fact—”
The door swung open, and in walked Burke. Beast looked up from his spot on the bed, but this time he didn’t stir.
“Does anyone sleep in this house anymore?” Nathan yawned.
“I would,” said Burke. “But we’ve got a pair of problems.”
Great. More shit to add to the shitpile.
Nathan folded his hands behind his head. “Well lay it on us already. We’ve got more to reflect on.”
“First problem,” he said. “Chase is gone.”
I stood up. “What do you mean gone?”
“I mean he disappeared shortly after you got home,” Burke said. “His room’s empty. His car’s not out there.”
A sinking feeling took over, followed by a spike of worry. Was he going through the same things I was? Battling all the same internal demons?
Is he regretting anything?
When I thought about it, he did seem ‘off’ in the kitchen. Quieter and more subdued than usual, even after the news.
All of sudden, I needed to talk to him.
“Alright then,” said Nathan, standing up. “Chase is MIA. Before we go out looking for him, hit us with the second problem.”
Burke shifted from one foot to the other. He folded his arms… but not in a standoffish way. In fact, he looked almost… excited.
“Second problem is out here,” he said, nodding into the hallway. “Come with. I’ll show you.”
He turned and walked out, just as Nathan and I were still staring at each other. His voice carried from over his shoulder.
“Don’t worry so much about this one. It’s a good problem to have.”
“Holy shit.”