Page 114 of The Arrangement
“You mean to be close to the restaurant,” I corrected him.
“Whatever you’re calling it,” he shrugged. “I’m just thinking Burke and I should be the ones who get first pick.”
Moving to the coast had been an easy decision, made even easier by the fact we were still keeping the villa. It would a great place to retreat to when we needed some quiet time, or whenever the guys wanted a little more solitude with their writing. Secretly though, I think we were keeping it for another reason. One that had everything to do with reminiscing about all the wonderful memories we’d already made there.
An arm went around me, then another, and I melted into them. It was always this way. I was getting good at it.
Shit, I was getting good at a lot of things.
“Ready to blow this place?”
“For now,” I said. I couldn’t remember feeling this happy, this excited. This content. “Yes.”
“You know, you’re gonna be sick of this place one day,” Chase grinned.
“Uh-uh,” I breathed. “No way.”
“You might even be sick of us,” Burke offered.
I laughed evilly. “If only you could be rid of me that easily.”
We turned and marched together, back through the elaborate double doors. The doors that would open into the next chapter of my life. The doors I’d walk through, side by side by side, with the most perfect partners a girl could ever ask for.
You’ve always been very lucky, haven’t you?
Yes, I had. And I sure as hell wasn’t complaining.
“You might as well leave it open,” Chase joked, as I fumbled with the lock again. “You’re gonna be right back here again in twelve hours anyway.”
The lock was frustrating — I kept messing it up. Then, abruptly, Burke’s hands closed over mine. He helped me finish clasping it, his touch soft yet strong.
“You’re not doing this all on your own,” he smiled gently. “Someone important once told us we’re a team. Remember?”
I flushed red again — for some reason Burke was always making me do that — and kissed him on the cheek.
“I remember.”
It was an incredibly strange thing, being in love with three people. Strange, yet wonderful. In all the times I’d been with them, I’d never once questioned whether I had enough to give. And that’s probably because there was more room in my heart now than ever before.
Three times the room.
Three times the love.
Chase rubbed at his beautifully flat stomach. “Sooo… are we finally going to eat now?”
Nathan nodded enthusiastically. “I smelled something delicious coming from that direction,” he pointed.
Burke sniffed at the air. He looked at down at me and winked.
“We’d better go eat there now then,” he teased. “Before our girl puts the place out of business.”
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