Page 45 of The Arrangement
I padded softly down the hall, trying to remember exactly what had gone through my mind at the time. Was I really jealous? And if so, did that mean I was developing… feelings?
I shivered as a cool draft blew up my naked legs. All of a sudden I regretted my outfit, or lack thereof. I probably should’ve slipped into something a little more comfortable than just my panties and one of Nathan’s super-long T-shirts.
My mind was attempting to wander, but my heart kept coming back to that one little word. That was exactly what was happening though, wasn’t it? I was getting closer to them, and not just in the physical sense?
I swallowed hard. I was the shared girlfriend of three beautiful, oversexed men. That I should develop feelings for them would only be normal, especially considering our circumstances.
“There’s no way you can handle all three of them, Kayleen,” Marcy had joked as we left. “Call me the instant you decide you need some help.”
I shook my mind clear and continued walking. A half-minute later, I found myself standing in the middle of the shadowed kitchen. Everything looked oddly different at night. The room was lit only by under-the-counter lighting, lending everything a dim, dusky glow.
I checked the pantry, the fridge, then then pantry again before deciding on what to do. Apparently I was hungrier than I originally thought.
“Grilled cheese.”
No sooner had I declared my intentions than I was already greasing a pan. I pulled out the bread, the butter, and the tiny pinch of chipotle pepper needed to make any good grilled cheese sandwich into an ultimate one.
It was really nice, living with the guys. Aside from the obvious, it was so much less lonely than living alone.
I thought about Beast, sleeping peacefully in his little dog bed. He was a good companion, but he couldn’t compare to human contact. I’d been working way too much, and falling exhaustedly into bed each night. So much that I’d neglected my social life for way too long.
But staying here… this was like getting the best of both worlds.
Here I had company and camaraderie. A gorgeous house. A beautiful, fully-stocked kitchen. And of course, a metric shit-ton of toe-curling, eye-crossing, howl at the moon sex… whenever and wherever I wanted it.
“Hell yeah,” I smiled, watching the cheese bubble deliciously from between two thick slices of sourdough. With the flick of a wrist, I turned my sandwich over. “Amen to that.”
“Amen to what?”
I whirled, jerking my arm back instinctively into an attack position. My heart was already pounding, my pulse doubled.
But it was only Burke.
“What are you gonna do with that?” he smirked, nodding at the spatula. “Flip me?”
“Jesus,” I swore, clutching my chest. “Where the hell did you come from?”
He pointed upward with one big hand. The other held a laptop pinned to his hip.
I let out a relieved smile. “You’re writing up there now?”
“Sometimes, yeah.”
I was impressed. Flattered. Happy for him. All at once.
“That’s pretty cool,” I grinned.
“It is,” Burke agreed. “Keeps my head clear.” He looked back at me and smiled. “There’s a bench up there. Some girl I know once showed me.”
I blushed almost instantly. All of a sudden I was glad for the near darkness.
“Some girl, huh? She sounds pretty cool.”