Page 53 of The Arrangement
“About making changes for the sake of the story.”
I was confused. “What kind of changes are we talking about?”
Chase sighed. He was trying to figure out the wording.
“Romantic changes,” Nathan said abruptly. “The editor felt our characters were flat. That they needed love interests to flesh them out.”
I was doing my best to bite my tongue.
“Well what kind of love interests do you have now?”
I knew the answer already, of course. But I had to play stupid without sounding stupid.
“None,” Chase admitted. “Well, none until recently.”
I nodded, and maybe a little too quickly. Each of them were writing different characters. I knew their backstories, their struggles, their triumphs. I hadn’t read anything about a love interest though. For any character.
“I… well…”
The books were compelling, the writing top-notch. But there was an awkwardness about the story. Something I could actually put my finger on. Something I thought could easily be fixed.
All three of my lovers were staring at me now. The light streaming in through the sunroom windows was like a spotlight. My expression gave me away.
“She knows.”
The words came from Burke. They sent a hollow chill through me as they echoed through the beautiful room.
Chase looked bewildered. “What?”
“She knows, bro,” he continued. “Look at her face. She’s read it.”
Nathan bolted upright. “Our story?”
I set my bowl of milk down on the tile floor. Sank my face into my hands.
“Holy shit,” Chase breathed. “You read our story?”
I nodded, numbly.
“How much did you read?” demanded Nathan.
I decided to come clean. “All of it.” I swallowed. “Everything on the hall machine, anyway.”
I didn’t answer. A few long seconds ticked by.
“Yesterday,” Burke answered for me. “While we were out.”
I expected them to be furious. To be hurt and angry at what was obviously a betrayal, and for invading their privacy.
Instead they all pulled their chairs closer at once.
“Well?” Chase asked excitedly. “Did you like it?”