Page 72 of The Arrangement
We talked some more, but mostly we just relaxed. Physically the waters were rejuvenating, but mentally we were letting the rest of the day’s worries drain away. By the time I finished my beer and started another, I’d forgotten completely about deadlines, Jay the creepy publisher, and everything else in the world.
Everything else but Chase, Nathan, and Burke.
Eventually the heat and the beer-buzz had my head spinning pleasantly. The hands on my thighs were riding ever upward as well. Mentally, I was placing bets on which one of them would reach the prize first. My money would’ve been on Chase, but then Burke pulled me abruptly toward him with both hands, sweeping me into his lap.
He kissed me, and I swooned from the strength and power of his embrace. My breasts were above water again. I could feel the cold air, trying to bite them. But they were too warm, even wet…
“I’ve been waiting for this all day,” he murmured into my ear.
Burke shifted me again, swinging one of my legs over his torso. He had his hands on my hips. He face, buried in the warm wet valley of my chest. Down below, I could feel a thick bulge, pressing against me. And then suddenly, into me as well…
“Ohhhhhh…” I sighed aloud.
My arms slid over his shoulders as I ground all the way down on his thick, incredibly hot shaft. Between the water and my own lubrication, it felt like being injected with lava.
We came face to face again, mouth to mouth. His kisses were another source of heat, his tongue moving eagerly against mine as I bounced slowly up and down on his thick, hard cock.
“You guys are making waves,” Chase laughed, after a minute or so. “Literally.”
We were, actually. Water was sloshing over the edge of the hot tub, spilling out into the rapidly melting snow.
But I was too far gone to care.
“Here,” said Nathan, sliding over to sit next to us. “Let me have some.”
Burke kept on fucking me, his hands on my hips. Guiding my body up and down in his lap. Kissing me like there was no tomorrow.
“Don’t hog her, man.”
Eventually we broke the kiss. I smiled and reached for Nathan, stroking him a few times beneath the water. He was hard as a rock. Totally ready.
In an absurd moment, Burke lifted me from his cock and placed me right on top of his friend. Nathan drilled me to the core in one shot.
My head flew back, my brain rushing with new levels of euphoria as I closed my eyes against the falling snow. I could feel soft flakes, landing lightly against my face. Melting there like tears of joy, as two mouths closed over my pert nipples from either side…
Holy fuck.
Chase and Burke were kissing and nibbling simultaneously, each cupping their own breast. I grabbed their heads. Pulled them tightly against me, as I felt the sharp sting of teeth from my lover on the right.
He knew I loved this. Out of them all, he knew exactly how hard to go, what level of pain still translated to pleasure.
I let go completely, my body melting against Nathan’s smooth, beautiful chest. He was so deep inside me it almost hurt. His magnificently hard cock was churning… grinding… surging…
“Here,” he murmured, somewhere close to my ear. He slid back, until I was almost laying on him. “Take her.”
The message was obviously not for me. I knew it from the words, but also because Nathan’s hands were on my asscheeks now. He was pulling them apart, gently. Slowly spreading them wide…
And then I felt Chase’s hands go to my hips from behind…