Page 3 of Three Alpha Romeo
My orgasm was never ending. It poured out of me in desperate waves, filling her pussy to overflowing with my hot, sticky seed. We collapsed forward together, heaving and out of breath. I rolled to one side as she wriggled forward, still moving, still twisting…
Still crawling across the bed.
I never even noticed her arm shoot through the gap between the mattress and the headboard. It came back in a lightning fast arc, bringing the deadly glint of a steel point directly against my neck.
Through the corner of my eye, I could just make out what it was. An ice pick, shining wickedly in the darkness. Piercing the skin, just above my pulsing, surging jugular.
I froze as her strong leg slid over mine, constricting me like a snake. The blonde hissed a single word, her sharp blue eyes flashing wildly… murderously…
The rage was blinding, all-consuming. I fought it back, while tightening my grip.
“Easy,” my captive said in the darkness. “I think you’ve got the—”
“My name’s Andrea,” I snarled, completely ignoring him. “Andrea Martensson.”
I waited for that sweet, sweet gasp of recognition. The exact moment he’d realize just how fucked — literally and figuratively — he actually was.
But the moment never came. The bastard never gave it to me. I’d tracked him, I’d planned for him, I’d finally found him. I’d even given my body over to him — in ways that both thrilled and disgusted me at my own, unwelcome excitement. All that sacrifice, for this one, singular moment…
It only made me angrier.
“I wanted you to know before you died, Xander,” I sneered. Even his name was poison in my mouth. “I needed you to know, before I open your throat and the darkness takes you… it was me.”
The adrenaline pumping through my body made my arm tremble. I could make out a dark rivulet of blood, now. It ran down his neck, from where the tip of the ice pick had broken the skin.
“I’m sure… that would be… important,” he gurgled. “Except that I’m… not…”
I extended my body, stretching him out. Yanking up on his head, while squeezing down with my legs. God, he was massive! So much bigger — and stronger — than I’d ever imagined.
“Except that I’m not Alexander Kyrkos.”
My surprise — if that’s what it was — lasted only a millisecond. One moment I was ready to plunge the ice pick deep into his carotid artery. The next I saw stars… as he slammed his head backward, straight into my chin.
Something in my neck cracked, loudly. I scrambled to recover, gripping the pick as I jammed it home… but just as suddenly I held nothing but air.
He moved with astonishing speed, spinning from the bed and reaching for a switch on the wall. The bedchamber erupted with light. I squinted hard, holding my weapon out before me, waiting for a quick lunge that never came.
The giant standing across from me was a well-muscled Adonis. He stood at least six and a half-feet tall, with dark hair and a matching beard. His jaw was angular, his shoulders massive. So were his arms… his chest…
“Open your mouth,” I growled, gripping the pick with both hands. I shook it his way. “Now!”
He looked back at me in total confusion.
“Show me your teeth!”
He opened slowly, curling his lips back as I peered inside. I counted two big incisors, among his top row of bright white teeth.