Page 38 of Three Alpha Romeo
He nodded. “Shoulder’s dislocated. Happens a lot.” He wiped the blood from his chin using the back of one big hand. “We’ll put it back easy enough. But first…”
Together we looked down at the guy I’d practically brained. He was absolutely enormous. At least six and half feet tall, his arms and chest all thick with muscle.
He had a handsome, angular face too. One that made me inwardly glad I didn’t ruin it.
And he had dark hair.
A dark beard…
Both of my hands flew up to cover my mouth. It happened so fast I couldn’t stop it.
“What?” asked Holden.
For a long moment, I was utterly speechless.
“Andrea what is it?”
My eyes betrayed everything. He had only to look at them, and he knew.
“You know this guy?”
Taking my hands away, I slowly nodded. I couldn’t believe it. It just didn’t make any sense.
It was the guy from the palace, on the isle of Rhodes. The guy from the shadows of Kyrkos’s supposed bedchamber.
The guy I’d fucked.
Holden was still looking back at me, examining my face. Reading my expression. His eyes narrowed, like he’d discerned something.
That’s when Randall came jogging back. He stopped just in front of the dark-haired giant and planted his hands on his hips.
“Hey,” he said jovially. “What’d I miss?”
Every time my eyes focused, the pain came rushing back. And it was crushing pain. All-consuming. My head felt like a concrete mold that had been filled with lead.
“Wake the fuck up, asshole…”
It took a while to remember where I was. Or even who I was. Or what I was doing in this dirty old boxing gym, surrounded by…
“Who are you?”
The man slapping my face repeatedly was covered in tattoos. He had a beard longer than mine. Constantly shifting, wild dark eyes…
“Nevermind who you are,” a second voice demanded. “Who sent you?”
I opened my mouth and spat. Blood came out. It landed a little too near the foot of the first guy, who jumped back deftly and swore at the same time.
“I’m gonna kick the shit out of—”
“Randall, stop.”
The third voice was feminine. Exceptionally beautiful. I turned my head…