Page 67 of Three Alpha Romeo
“I… I am… a big girl…” I somehow murmured.
My eyes fluttered open and there was Randall, smirking at me from the other side. Repeating my own words: “You know what you’re doing.”
Holden broke our kiss and passed me to him, with a gentle push on my cheek. As Randall’s lips closed over mine, I whimpered softly into his open mouth.
“I’m a big girl,” I repeated again, kissing him back. I finally managed to swallow, before uttering a breathless sigh. “But I have no idea what I’m doing…”
I kissed him some more… then Marcus. Then Holden again. Over and over they took turns on me; kissing my neck, chewing my shoulder. Drinking from my open, eager lips. Touching my body all over.
“And I don’t even care,” I added finally, throwing my arms around them.
I was lost in my lust for them. Too far gone to do anything but give myself over. It’s what I wanted. What I needed. More than anything I’d ever desired… in the whole fucking world.
They lifted me up together. Held me in their collective arms, as they carried me into the next room. I was delirious with pleasure. Happily weightless, floating on a sea of hard, unyielding muscle.
Holden smiled and nodded toward his open palm. He was still holding my birthday cupcake.
I laughed dreamily and blew out the candle.
“That’s not all I’m blowing tonight, is it?” I joked.
The handsome SEAL laughed. “Not by a longshot.”
I swiped one finger through the icing and popped it into my mouth. No sooner did I finish, then Marcus was tasting it from my tongue.
“Did you make a wish at least?” asked Randall.
I looked down at the floor of the living room, where they’d pre-arranged a circle of blankets and pillows and comforters. A ring of candles surrounded it, bathing the area in warmth and light.
“Do I really need to?” I sighed, still planting kisses everywhere I could. Shirts were already coming off. All around me, my world was nothing but thick muscle. Soft lips. Warm skin…
“Wishing for anything at this point would be just plain greedy.”
/> It all unfolded in dream-like slowness, which made the whole thing that much more surreal. Every touch. Every sigh. Every calloused fingertip that dragged its way sensuously along my tender skin; it all happened so naturally, so instinctively, it was as if the four of us had rehearsed it a thousand times before.
I was taken down to the floor. Spread out on the blankets between them, and gently disrobed by my three powerful lovers. They did it slowly, despite the growing arousal I could sense in each of them. But there was a unity between them now. A unity that communicated there was no rush. No hurry.
For once, thankfully, time was on our side.
They were still kissing me, touching me. Keeping me right at the very edge of my senses. My mind became a whirlwind of constant stimulation. Holden was on my right side, Randall my left. And above me…
Above me hovered Marcus, kissing his way down my body. Dragging his tongue over my quivering stomach, to trace circles around my naval. I was so wet. So incredibly, ridiculously slick that when I reached down to drag a finger over my throbbing clit, I could feel the heat pulsing off me in waves.
Marcus spent an eternity between my legs, kissing the tender flesh on the insides of my thighs. In the meantime, I was nuzzling Randall. Tongue-kissing Holden. Arching my back as their hands roamed my body, cupping my breasts, thumbing my nipples.
It was the pinnacle of my existence. The crown jewel of all my wildest, darkest fantasies. Being served and shared by three men. All at once. At the same time…
There were moments I had to reel myself in. Open my eyes and look around, just to mentally convince myself the whole thing was even real. But then I’d squeeze them shut again, as I felt a finger glide inside me. Gasp with joy and pleasure, as a warm mouth closed itself over one stippled breast…
Eventually Marcus reached the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow. His hot tongue drove upward alongside his finger, sliding wetly into my pussy…