Page 70 of Three Alpha Romeo
Holden’s mouth curled into the mother of all wry smirks. The facial expression equivalent of giving me the finger.
“Maybe you win round one,” he admitted groggily.
I grinned as I spun the cap off a nearby water bottle. “Maybe?”
I drank deeply, keeping my eyes on Holden’s. Again, his gaze drifted past me… then behind me. All of a sudden I was lifted into the air.
Marcus had me. He slung me over his shoulder easily, as if I weighed no more than a blanket. The water bottle dropped from my hand.
“Bye bye,” Holden laughed, as I was carried from the room. “See you in a bit.”
Down the small hall we went, past more shrouded darkness. The Ranger ducked low through a doorway, shifted his weight, and dropped me roughly onto a bed.
The little bedroom was lit by a few more candles, these mostly red. It lent everything in the room a rose-colored glow.
Marcus stood over me, gloriously naked, his arms at his s
ides. His body was utterly majestic. His rock-hard chest was a vast playground of hair and muscle, spreading wide from beneath two hulking shoulders.
My eyes strayed downward, lingering on his flat, rippled torso. They settled eventually on his obscenely thick cock. The one that had given me such tormented pleasure, back in that darkened bedchamber on Rhodes.
A cock that was somehow already hard again.
Marcus took another step toward the bed. I felt my pulse skip. My stomach tighten.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked, trying to be coy. But my voice cracked. I couldn’t stop my legs from trembling.
“Whatever I want,” the giant grunted.
And then he took me.
I left Marcus’s bedroom on shaky legs, walking like a newborn doe. He kept his hands on my shoulders, even in the hallway. They stayed there as he guided me into the next bedroom, where Randall took over.
“Okay,” he laughed. “I got her.”
I felt like I’d been blindfolded and spun around until I didn’t know where I was. Like I was involved in some kind of game. A perverted version of pin the tail on the donkey.
Two arms wrapped hotly around me from behind as Randall guided me to the bed. I felt his breath on my neck as he kissed me there.
“That pussy wet?”
I nodded numbly. I could feel his cock pressing against my naked back. One tattoo-covered hand, sliding deep between my legs.
“All full of come?”
I nodded again, grabbing his head, pulling his lips harder against my shoulder. I was dripping wet. Filled to overflowing, after a relentless pounding by Marcus. His fingers sank deep into my come-soaked pussy.