Page 94 of Three Alpha Romeo
A moment of awkward silence passed, until the man cleared his throat. Randall and Holden had been blocking his way. Now they each jumped to one side, giving him a clear passage from the alley.
As he passed near me however, he stopped.
“I need to say, I’m very sorry about your father.”
His voice was wholly different now. It was heartfelt and genuine. Full of meaning.
“T—Thank you,” I stammered.
“He was a good man. A kind man.” The messenger sighed and shook his head in sorrow. “Much better than Alexander Kyrkos ever deserved.”
His hand slid into his pocket again, with all the speed and finesse of a magician. This time it came out with something other than chocolate: a faded, yellowed envelope.
“This is yours,” he said, and handed it to me.
I was staring down at the word ‘Andrea’, scrawled in flowing black script. Somehow I knew without knowing; the handwriting was my father’s.
“What is it?”
“The passkey for a bank account in Zurich,” the man answered. “Set up in your name.”
A lump began forming in my throat. “By… by…”
“By Benjamin, yes,” the man said sadly. “A long time ago.” He scratched at one of his sideburns. “It’s going to be of… well, let’s just say significant interest.”
The hand I was using to hold the envelope was shaking now. I looked up again, and the man was already walking away.
Just before he reached the edge of the alley, Randall stepped in. “Thanks,” he said, extending his hand.
The man looked down at Randall’s palm like he was seeing an alien life form. Both arms still at his sides, he shook his head.
“No need to shake hands, Mr. Forrester. We’re not friends.” He sniffed again. “In fact, I was never even here.”
Randall stood there uncertainly for a moment, his hand still held out like a statue.
Two steps later, the man left the alley and dissolved into the crowd.
My body shifted forward again, as my lover pushed even deeper inside me. He was thick. Wonderfully hard. I wanted to focus on those sensations totally, with every ounce of my being.
Only my attention was already divided… by the smooth cock already buried in my mouth.
I relaxed and went with it anyway. Allowed myself a few selfish moments to enjoy the sensation of being packed so gloriously, deliciously full. Nothing else in the world felt like this. Nothing ever could…
I moaned as the cock in front of me slid further, all the way to the balls. I could feel them on my lower lip now. Pressing warmly against my chin, as I continued to relax my throat.
The room was dead silent. My world utterly dark. The only senses I still had were touch, and taste, and smell…
Oh God, fuck me harder.
I wanted to scream it, but my mouth was busy. I wanted to buck back against the lover behind me, but that wasn’t part of the rules either. I was to remain still. Remain blindfolded.